Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 539 Peach Blossom Dance 03

Chapter 539 Peach Blossom Dance 03
Yi Shuihan yawned, seeing that more than half of the candles in the lamp had been burned, it was estimated that it was past midnight.

Will she scare Qian Nuo tonight?Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead, this skill is hard-won, there is still one level to be practiced, will the last level need to be vented like this time?She couldn't imagine going on and went to sleep.

When Qian Nuo came out of the shower, she saw that she had already fallen asleep. She turned her body sideways, so she couldn't see if she was asleep, her hair was loose, and her figure was very beautiful, like a lazy kitten.

His heart moved, he wanted to hug her to sleep tonight, he walked over, lay down next to her, and smelled the fragrance from her hair.

Yi Shuihan turned over and looked at him suspiciously, why didn't he go back?

"Shui Han, did I wake you up?" Qian Nuo's tone was soft, his eyes were bright and gentle.

"I haven't slept yet, why don't you go back?" What if Qian Nuo is seen in her room tomorrow.

Hearing this, the smile in Qian Nuo's eyes was replaced by sadness. They are already husband and wife, sleeping together is a matter of course, how can Shui Han let him go back?

"Qiannuo, what's the matter?" Yi Shuihan asked, why did his eyes make her look like a heinous sinner.

"Shui Han, are you just letting me go like this?" Qian Nuo asked as he tried his best to endure the pain.

"Huh?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows, isn't he satisfied?She had tormented him quite a bit just now.

"I think..." Qian Nuo wanted to stay, but felt that since she didn't want him to stay, did he bore her?
"Don't think about it, this kind of thing should be restrained." Yi Shuihan smiled narrowly.

Just now I don't know who is intemperate.

Qian Nuo was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to realize the meaning of her words, and his face turned crimson in an instant.

"I just want to stay and sleep..." Qian Nuo was annoyed and embarrassed.

"Is that so?" Yi Shuihan was surprised, it turned out that she was thinking too much.

"We've already..." Qian Nuo wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it, which made him unable to say it.

"Okay then, go to bed, go to bed early and get up early." Yi Shuihan seemed to understand, then moved his body to make room.

Qian Nuo smiled, satisfied, and looked at her with bright eyes.

"Aren't you going to sleep? Close your eyes." Yi Shuihan was depressed, saying that he was the one who was sleeping, and what was she doing watching her.

"You go to sleep too." Qian Nuo took the thin quilt and covered her.

"In this weather, there is no need to cover the quilt." Yi Shuihan kicked the quilt away.

"Did you bathe in ice water just now?" Qian Nuo touched her arm, it was very cold.

"Well, the weather is too hot." Yi Shuihan blinked.

"Ice water is not good for your health, it's easy to catch a cold." Qian Nuo frowned, Shui Han was sometimes too headstrong and didn't love herself too much.

"It's okay, don't you want to sleep? Close your eyes and don't talk, I'm going to sleep too." Yi Shuihan was depressed, when did Qian Nuo become so verbose.

Qian Nuo thought she was sleepy, so she stopped talking and closed her eyes to sleep.


In the early morning of the next day, the rising sun slowly climbed up from the mountain in the east. The soft light broke through the fog last night and scattered on the ground, making the dewdrops glisten.

Smoke rose from the chimney of the kitchen, and the cook had already started making breakfast.

People in Changyi Garden also got up one after another to drink morning tea in the front hall.

After a while, breakfast was ready and served in the front hall.

(End of this chapter)

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