Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 544 Peach Blossom Dance 08

Chapter 544 Peach Blossom Dance 08
The more Wushang thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. The relationship between Shui Han and Qian Nuo was delicate. Now that they disappeared together, something must have happened. No, there must be an explanation today.

After lunch, Wushang invited several people to the backyard of Changyi Garden. At best, it was talking, and at worst, it was negotiation.

A small backyard can barely accommodate the powerful aura of five people. There is a huge storm hidden in the calm, and the dark tide is raging. If an outsider invades, he will be bounced tens of meters away, and his head will be broken.

Qian Nuo didn't want to come at first, but Shui Han had already admitted him, it didn't matter to him how much they wanted to fight, but he still had selfish motives, he didn't want to have more rivals in love, so he came here.

Cheng Bi didn't want to come at first, the dead woman had nothing to do with him, and how many lovers she had had nothing to do with him, but thinking that it would be no harm to join in the fun, he wanted to see the scene of these people fighting.

Mo Ningxun came eight days late, and Shuihan still couldn't see him. He knew that these people were ruthless characters. If he didn't go, maybe these people would unite to deal with him, so he also came.

Rong Yun is temporarily on the same side as Wushang, even if he doesn't want to come, he has to come.

Wushang saw that several people had come together, if someone didn't come, he must persuade those who came to deal with those who couldn't come, and since they all came, let's talk about it.

"Those who are not interested in Shui Han can leave on their own." Wushang glanced at them.

Chengbi snorted coldly, and said coldly: "I don't come just when you invite me, or just leave when you send me off."

Several people heard that Cheng Bi's implication is that he has no interest in Shui Han?Well, very well, very well.

Wushang smiled: "Young Master Cheng, please remember what you said today."

It's boring now, but it doesn't mean it's boring in the future, so when Chengbi is boring, kill Chengbi's hope.

Chengbi said coldly: "I don't need to remember what I've talked to you, and I don't need to promise anything to you."

When the few people heard this, their faces changed slightly. What Cheng Bi said was that he didn't need to clarify with anyone whether he had any interest in Shui Han.

"Mr. Cheng, your identity is the most ambiguous here. I don't know what purpose you have by Shui Han's side?" Wushang's words were fanning the flames. He admitted that he was targeting Cheng Bi, because Shui Han took the initiative to hold Cheng Bi's in the woods. hand, made him jealous.

Rong Yun, Qian Nuo, and Mo Ningxun looked at Cheng Bi one after another, with coldness and murderous intent in their eyes.

Chengbi sneered: "In terms of identity, the most mysterious thing is Mr. Wushang. Maybe Mr. Wushang's name is also fake. In terms of purpose, the most dangerous one is Mr. Mo, the majestic master of the demon palace. I don't care about his ambitions." It's easy to say."

Chengbi's words made a big difference, and the faces of the few people changed again.

Mo Ningxun was not angry either: "Shuihan saved me, how could I hurt Shuihan, and I just followed Shuihan's IOU to repay me."

As soon as the IOU was mentioned, Chengbi's face turned cold. The letter he snatched that time was the IOU, and the most angry thing was that he didn't snatch it.

Qiannuo and Wushang frowned, they didn't know that Shuihan had saved Mo Ningxun, let alone the IOU.

Wushang said coldly, "What IOU?"

Mo Ningxun was a little proud, took out a letter, and waved the IOU in front of several people: "Please read the third item clearly." He hoped that this IOU would repel these people.

Promise with your body? !
(End of this chapter)

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