Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 546 Peach Blossom Dance 10

Chapter 546 Peach Blossom Dance 10
When this question was asked to the point, Mo Ningxun and Qian Nuo both took a look at Rong Jun and Wushang, they had a secret.

Wushang said: "I don't need to explain this level to you. If I want to explain it, I will explain it to Shui Han."

Several people's faces changed when they heard the words. Wushang's implication was that he left the valley for the cold water, but why did Rong Yun invite Wushang, a powerful rival in love, out?
Cheng Bi said: "Young Master Wushang is a doctor, so when he went out of the valley, he was naturally treating people. Could it be that Yi Shuihan has some hidden disease?"

As soon as these words came out, Qian Nuo and Mo Ningxun immediately looked at Wushang, with probing and questioning in their eyes, could there be something wrong with Shui Han.

Wushang and Rongyun gave Chengbi a cold look, and Chengbi's mouth was just as Shuihan said, poisonous!
Qian Nuo, who had been silent all this time, said at this time: "I believe that everyone is concerned about Shui Han. If you have something to say, Mr. Wushang, you might as well speak up."

Wushang frowned. Not only did he not want to tell anyone about this matter, even Shui Han didn't want others to know about it. If he said it, if these people asked about Shui Han, wouldn't Shui Han hate him to death? he.

Seeing that Wushang had no intention of speaking, Mo Ningxun guessed that this matter was not simple, and also related to the cold water, so even if Wushang didn't want to say it, he had to say it!
"If Mr. Wushang doesn't want to say something, then I have no choice but to use force to make Mr. Wushang speak." Mo Ningxun said threateningly.

Wushang said: "I know Mr. Mo, your martial arts are unfathomable, but I might not lose in a fight."

"Of course, I know Mr. Wushang, you are not simple, but who said you want to fight alone?" Mo Ningxun looked at Qian Nuo and Cheng Bi, presumably these two would also like to know.

Qian Nuo didn't say a word, it was a tacit consent, as long as it was about Shuihan, he didn't mind beating Wushang, no matter if it was one-on-one, or three-on-one against morality.

Cheng Bi didn't say anything either, of course he was happy, he could find out the secret of this dead woman, why not do it.

"Despicable!" Wushang said coldly, even if Rong Yun was on his side, it would be two against three, and the odds of winning were slim.

"I don't mind being mean for a while, and besides, I'm only concerned about the coldness of the water, maybe there are multiple people and multiple ways." Mo Ningxun said, knowing the reason, he didn't want to do anything, but Wushang still didn't say anything, and he didn't mind either hands on.

Wushang and Rong Jun looked at each other, should they say it or not?
Cheng Bi lazily said: "I don't have much patience."

The two pondered for a while, and finally Rong Yun spoke first: "Shui Han doesn't want anyone to know about this matter, Shui Han doesn't know that Wushang and I know about it."

There was a flash of light in Chengbi's eyes, and Rong Jun was willing to let go, this matter must not be simple, he will soon know a secret of this dead woman, he is a little excited.

"What's the matter? We will never tell Shuihan, let alone anyone!" Mo Ningxun said solemnly.

"Maybe we can help solve it." Qian Nuo said, he suddenly felt a little despicable.

Rong Yun and Wushang heard the words, so they had no choice but to say it, so they briefly explained why Yi Shuihan would suffer from the disease in June and have nightmares, and why Rong Yun asked Wushang to leave the valley.

When Qian Nuo heard this, she was very worried, and said: "I remember that Shuihan looked very bad in June, and Shuihan said that she divided the last day of June into the last day of the year, which may be related to this nightmare. "

Rong Yun was a little angry and jealous after hearing this, Shui Han didn't tell him about it, but actually told Qian Nuo, is Qian Nuo's position in Shui Han's heart very important?

(End of this chapter)

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