Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 548 Peach Blossom Dance 12

Chapter 548 Peach Blossom Dance 12
Qiannuo was both angry and disappointed. He hated the ambiguous relationship between Shuihan and Chengbi, who seemed to be sneaking around. But thinking about it this way, the same is true of his relationship with Shuihan. Shuihan didn't seem to announce their relationship to everyone. So how many people did Shui Han have an affair with in private?The more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

Rong Yun felt powerless, he could vaguely hear Cheng Bi's implication, from the moment he left Jinlan Garden, he could see that Shui Han refused to go with anyone, he only went with Cheng Bi, and the two of them were chatting in the woods The scene is very much like a lover who is at odds.

Wushang always disliked Chengbi the most, with a haughty and contemptuous look, even in front of Shuihan, but he was favored by Shuihan again. Could it be that the more he can't get it, the more he wants it?If he looked arrogant in front of Shui Han, he would definitely be kicked far away by Shui Han!

Seeing the different faces of these people, Cheng Bi felt a little happy in his heart. The happiness based on the pain of these people made him feel particularly comfortable.

When Mo Ningxun saw Chengbi's happy face, he was even angrier in his heart. Chengbi was the one he disliked the most. Ever since Chengbi grabbed the IOU when he met Shuihan for the first time, he had never There is no such thing as a person who is not pleasing to the eye!
"I don't know what the relationship between Young Master Qian and Yi Shuihan is?" Cheng Bi raised his eyebrows, these people have expressed their opinions, only Qian Nuo didn't say a few words.

"I don't need to explain to you either." Qian Nuo said coldly.

"Don't explain? Okay, you leave Shuihan." Wushang glanced at Qiannuo and said, he has not forgotten the hazy relationship between Shuihan and Qiannuo, but he wants to know the relationship between Shuihan and Qiannuo. which location.

"Do you think you have the qualifications?" Qian Nuo's tone became colder.

"I'm not alone, how about adding everyone present?" Wushang glanced at the others, presumably they would also like to know.

"I don't mind four beating one." Mo Ningxun smiled wickedly, her words were full of threats.

"No, no, it's hard to say that the four of us beat him up, and it's easy to say that he beat the four of us alone, so don't be polite to him." Wushang smiled, his eyes were full of sinister.

"Don't talk nonsense, I want to do it a long time ago." Chengbi was a little impatient.

Rong Yun remained silent. If they really hit Qian Nuo, he would not help either side.

"Despicable!" Qian Nuo was annoyed, just now he was on the same side with Mo Ningxun and Cheng Bi, and now these two people immediately turned against each other. These people will indeed use any means to achieve their goals, and they will abandon all morals.

Wushang said: "Despicable? There is a little bit of it, but just now Young Master Qian threatened me in the same way. I just treated him in the same way as him."

The implication is that you are mean too.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Cheng Bi said impatiently, a small part of Bai Lian's sleeve had been pulled out.

"Wait." Qian Nuo said coldly, a layer of frost had formed on his face, he knew that he would never be able to beat the four of them.

"If you say no, it's over." Cheng Bi smiled, and took Bai Lian back.

"Say something quickly, my patience is limited." Wushang said.

Qian Nuo struggled for a while, when he remembered what happened last night, his heart beat faster immediately, his face was unnatural, how should he express his relationship with Shui Han?The reality of husband and wife?Couple relationship?Or did Shui Han like him?These kinds of expressions will definitely be hated by several people, and maybe they will do it after hearing it.

(End of this chapter)

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