Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 555 Peach Blossom Dance 19

Chapter 555 Peach Blossom Dance 19
As soon as the gate of Changyi Garden was opened, eight people went out, and then as soon as the gate was closed, there was a dazzling landscape on the street.

Yi Shuihan asked the housekeeper about the route to take the small road before, to avoid going through the bustling area, there are too many people, it is easy to cause sideways glances, she stroked her forehead, it is a mistake to be too outstanding.

"Shuihan, where are you going?" Qianxue asked, she didn't know yet.

"Outing in the western suburbs." Yi Shuihan replied.

Qianxue and Qiannuo were stunned for two seconds when they heard this, Yi Shuihan also invited them to go outing when they were in Ningcheng, but this youth was not that youth, but the youth from the brothel.

"Is there a brothel in the western suburbs?" Qianxue asked stupidly.

"Where did you think! You're thinking all over the place!" Yi Shuihan said angrily, this lineup is going to the brothel?Tomorrow, it immediately spread throughout Luohu Town.

"When you said you went outing in Ningcheng, didn't you mean you went to a brothel?" Qianxue was a little bit wronged, and she felt embarrassed to blame her, because Yi Shuihan had always thought wrongly.

After hearing the words, several people looked at Yi Shuihan one after another.

Rong Yun remembered that when he was in Ningcheng, Shui Han often secretly went to brothels and Taohuaju, and came back smelling of makeup, thinking of this, he was angry and helpless.

"Shui Han, why don't you just go for a walk in the western suburbs like this?" Qianxue asked, she didn't have the kind of leisurely mood to walk on this lawn all morning.

"Then what suggestion do you have?" Yi Shuihan raised her eyebrows, she knew that Qianxue was a master who couldn't be idle.

"Now that the wind is blowing, it's better to fly a kite." Qianxue said with a smile, she hasn't flown a kite for a long time, she remembers flying a kite with Shangguan Yan at that time, alas, times have changed now, things have changed.

Yi Shuihan stopped and said, "Okay then, you and the master of ceremonies go buy a kite, hurry up, we'll wait for you here."

Qianxue and the master of ceremonies had a bitter face, why should they go?
"Don't buy it? Then let's go." Yi Shuihan looked indifferent, and took graceful steps.

"Wait! Wait for us for a while." Qianxue gritted her teeth and said, Yi Shuihan was certain that she would fly a kite, so he forced her to buy it!But she had to buy it again.

In the end, Qianxue and the master of ceremonies bought a kite, and they walked for about an hour before finally arriving in the western suburbs.

There are vast lawns, surrounded by mountains and water, green trees, long grass and warblers flying, silk ribbons blowing embankments, orchids and grasses, beautiful scenery and fresh air.

The sky was still cloudy just now, but at this time the wind came, and the clouds were blown away, revealing the bright sun, and the sky was suddenly blue.

The air in the suburbs is extraordinarily fresh, with a faint smell of grass, which makes people feel refreshed.

The green grass on the lawn is lush, and it is soft when you step on it. There are still some dewdrops on the grass, staining the corner of the robe with a little bit of water and green grass juice.

"It's such a good day." Qianxue sighed, seeing such a scene, she put aside the little worry just now.

Just now Qianxue and the master of ceremonies bought more than a dozen kites, all kinds of kites, and let everyone choose. They were worried that some of them would not be able to fly, so they bought a few more.

Everyone also came to Yaxing, and went to pick a kite one after another, but some people just stood aside after picking a kite, watching Qian Xue and the master of ceremonies fly the kite, and Yi Shuihan was one of them.

A gust of wind blew up, and Qianxue's kite was already flying up, flying higher and higher, and the people standing aside all looked up at the kite in the sky, it was so high.

Qianxue and the master of ceremonies looked at the unanimous movements of these people with amused expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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