Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 557: Martial Arts Relic 01

Chapter 557: Martial Arts Relic 01
Wushang lost a little more, he was afraid that Shuihan would not fall in love with him, so he retreated ten thousand steps, if Shuihan didn't love him, then he would love Shuihan.

A few kites over there flew up. Mo Ningxun and Qian Nuo observed how everyone flew kites, and they quickly learned how to fly kites.

Chengbi still had no intention of flying the kite, and even threw the kite on the grass.

Yi Shuihan took a look at the past, and guessed that Chengbi didn't know how to fly a kite. She was really guilty. She only wanted to go out with Chengbi, but she brought so many people who Chengbi didn't like. Chengbi has a high vision. No one is pleasing to the eye.

Yi Shuihan walked over holding the kite, handed the coil to Chengbi, and said, "Here you are."

Chengbi was a little surprised, and then said nonchalantly, "What are you going to do for me?"

Yi Shuihan said unhappily: "I'm thirsty, I want to drink water, okay? Do you want to feed me?"

Chengbi glanced at her, this excuse was really far-fetched, but half of the anger in his heart disappeared, and he said: "If you give it to me, I won't return it to you."

Yi Shuihan said angrily, "Who told you to pay it back?"

Chengbi snorted softly, and snatched the coil from her hand, but he didn't know how to control it, so he was at a loss for a while.

"It's enough to put and pull the thread properly." Yi Shuihan said with a smile when he saw that he didn't know how to do it.

Chengbi was embarrassed, he suspected that the woman gave him the kite to make fun of him.

Yi Shuihan sat down under the tree, took out a water bag to drink, took out a handkerchief to wipe off his sweat, and took out a golden fan to cool off, as soon as the sun came out, it became hot after running for a while.

Wushang was so angry that Shuihan actually gave the kite to Chengbi? !

Wushang sat next to her, saw that she was holding a golden fan, his gaze became a little deeper, Rong Yun said that the golden fan in Shuihan's hand belonged to Ling Yiran.

"Shuihan, your fan is very beautiful, where did you buy it?" Wushang asked, he just asked knowingly.

"It was exchanged with someone else." Yi Shuihan thought for a while and said.

"Who?" Wushang continued to ask knowingly.

"I said you don't know him, no, maybe you know him too, Ling Yiran." Yi Shuihan thought for a while and said, the younger brother of the emperor of Beiming Kingdom, he should know.

"Who is Ling Yiran?"

"It's... the Ninth Prince of Beiming Kingdom." Yi Shuihan was a little surprised. Qian Nuo and Mo Ningxun knew the fan belonged to Ling Yiran when they saw it. Wushang didn't even know who Wushang was. ?The news should not be so ill-informed.Xueying found out that Wushang had been in Xianyun Valley, she didn't quite believe it at first, but now she believes it a little bit.

"Are you on good terms with him? Why would he exchange the golden fan for you?" Wushang asked doubtfully, he really didn't know this.

"Because he had the confidence to take it back from me at the time, he exchanged it for me. It's just that he didn't know how he could easily return what I got."

"Little fox." Wushang smiled dotingly.

"Ahem, I'm not young anymore." Yi Shuihan said, everyone called her an old fox.

"How old are you, maybe in your teens or 20 years old." Wushang smiled, he was already 27, and Shui Han was like a little girl in his eyes, he suddenly felt that he was a little old?

"I'm definitely not only 20 years old, don't look at me like a little girl." Yi Shuihan said, making her look like a little girl, and she almost skipped the age of that little girl.

"Then how old are you?" Wushang looked at her, he really didn't know yet.

(End of this chapter)

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