Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 560: Martial Arts Relic 04

Chapter 560: Martial Arts Relic 04
Fu Hongshuang looked at Mo Ningxun from the beginning to the end, thought for a while, then suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Ningxun, so you didn't wear red clothes today."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Mo Ningxun. Many of them knew that the master of the Demon Palace liked red clothes, just like the manjushahua in the underworld.

Wushang's smile deepened again, Mo Ningxun and Fu Hongshuang were indeed a perfect match, their identities were similar, even their favorite colors were the same, God made them a pair, this is God's will.

Qianxue remembered that the first time she met Mo Ningxun, he was indeed wearing a red dress, which amazed the audience, cold and evil, just like the bloody Shura in hell.

The frost on Mo Ningxun's face thickened again. If there were not so many people around, he would have made a move a long time ago. Fu Hongshuang, he made a note!
She, Fu Hongshuang, is not a predatory person. Although she has taken a fancy to Mo Ningxun, Mo Ningxun has a strong background and cannot be forced. Moreover, Mo Ningxun is a beautiful man himself, so he will not be bewitched by beauty, because If Mo Ningxun wants to see a beauty, he can just look in the mirror by himself.

"Mo Ningxun, you don't have to come with me, as long as you give me two people." Fu Hongshuang glanced at all the men present and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone froze for two seconds. Who did Fu Hongshuang take a fancy to?
"Puchi, hahaha..." Qianxue couldn't help laughing after she realized it, covering her belly and laughing prettily, this Fu Hongshuang is really too talented.

Except for Mo Ningxun, all the men's schadenfreude was gone, their faces were covered with frost, and they looked at Fu Hongshuang coldly, guessing that if Fu Hongshuang hit someone, they would immediately unleash their weapons.

Yi Shuihan smiled, turned his head and glanced at everyone, who exactly did Fu Hongshuang take a fancy to?These people are all on par, so it's hard to guess.

Faced with Yi Shuihan's gaze, Rong Yun and the others wanted to explain but didn't know where to start, feeling very wronged.

Fu Hongshuang looked at Qianxue who was still smiling, raised her eyebrows, "Is it funny?"

Qianxue quickly put away her smile, and coughed twice to cover it up: "Ahem, it's funny, because I really admire you, you did what I always wanted to do, but unfortunately I don't have the ability."

The master of ceremonies' face suddenly darkened, Qianxue actually wanted to learn from Fu Hongshuang to be a flower picker.

Hearing this, Fu Hongshuang immediately looked at Qianxue with admiration, and smiled: "That's a pity."

"You said just now that you want two people, you can want anyone, but he can't." Qianxue pointed to one person and said.

"Oh? Why?" Fu Hongshuang raised her eyebrows. Could it be that they are a couple?
"Because he is my elder brother." Qian Xue laughed, if Fu Hongshuang hit Qian Nuo, Qian Nuo would probably kill Fu Hongshuang.

"Hehe, don't worry, I haven't set my sights on him yet." Fu Hongshuang glanced at Qian Nuo and said with a smile.

Qian Nuo's face became gloomy again, and he didn't know whether to be thankful or angry. Fortunately, Fu Hongshuang didn't care about him, otherwise, how could he explain to Shui Han, and he would be thrown into trouble by Wushang and others; the one who was angry was Fu Hongshuang's words What means?
Yi Shuihan looked back again, after getting rid of Mo Ningxun and Qian Nuo, only Rong Yun, Wushang, Cheng Bi, and the master of ceremonies remained.

"Fu Hongshuang, what are you talking about?" Qianxue was a little unhappy, she thought that Qian Nuo was the most outstanding man in the world, his tall and straight back killed many beauties instantly, and his stern and unparalleled appearance fascinated thousands of girls.

(End of this chapter)

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