Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 562: Martial Arts Relic 06

Chapter 562: Martial Arts Relic 06
"Your golden fan has some background, are you Ling Yiran?" Fu Hongshuang looked at the golden fan in Yi Shuihan's hand, and she felt strange again, how could Ling Yiran and Mo Ningxun get together and fly a kite?No one will believe it when you say it.

"Ahem, beauty, what you said is preconceived, not only Ling Yiran has a golden fan." Yi Shuihan reminded, probably the idea that a golden fan represents Ling Yiran has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is difficult to reverse.

"No wonder, it's just that no one dares to call himself my uncle in front of this sect master." Fu Hongshuang smiled.

"There is always a first time for everything." Yi Shuihan said.

"Okay, then are you willing to go with this sect master?" Fu Hongshuang looked at the two of them, her red lips parted slightly, her eyes were as charming as silk, her beautiful face was even more charming, and her whole body exuded a seductive aura.

Chengbi sneered contemptuously, for daring to use coquettish tricks in front of him and Yi Shuihan, hmph, it's just asking for humiliation.

"Chengbi, she's far behind you." Yi Shuihan looked at Chengbi and said with a smile, Chengbi's charm practice is quite advanced, but it's just a little bit worse than her.

Cheng Bi gave Yi Shuihan a cold look, and actually compared him with Fu Hongshuang!What do you take him for? !
Yi Shuihan is a little innocent, she is just stating a fact, so she will also suffer from Chengbi's cold eyes?

Seeing that the two of them were not affected, Fu Hongshuang was surprised. Even people with strong willpower would be affected to some extent, but not only did the eyes of these two people not show any confusion, they were even more indifferent. This aroused her interest even more.

"If you don't want to, my whip won't allow it."

"I don't have your extra competitive spirit, but if you want to use force, then I have no choice but to accompany you." Yi Shuihan looked at Fu Hongshuang and said.

"How about this? If you lose, come with me, how about it?" Fu Hongshuang was also sizing up Yi Shuihan. The move of the fan had just the right strength, it was impartial, and it had some strength.

"Okay, but what if you lose?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"Well, if I lose, how about not taking anyone here?" Fu Hongshuang said, this was already a big concession for her.

"It's none of my business whether you take the people here or not?" Yi Shuihan smiled, as if everyone here belonged to her.

When the men heard the words, they looked at Yi Shuihan sadly. Shuihan's words were too heartless and hurt their hearts.

Chengbi sneered, so what did the dead woman mean by making a move just now?
Qian Nuo felt a little aggrieved, and suddenly remembered what Qian Xue had said to him, could he be just that dispensable cup in Shui Han's heart?

"Then what did you do to protect him just now?" Fu Hongshuang looked at Chengbi and asked.

"He is injured, even if you win, it would be disgraceful." Yi Shuihan said.

The mocking look in Chengbi's eyes became even worse. If he was not injured, would he be allowed to fight Fu Hongshuang, and if he lost, would he be allowed to be taken away by Fu Hongshuang?
"So that's the case, then what do you want?" Fu Hongshuang raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Hehe, if I lose, I'll go with you. In the same way, if you lose, I'll go with me, how about that?" Yi Shuihan's eyes shifted, and he looked at Fu Hongshuang with a little color in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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