Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 565: Martial Arts Relic 09

Chapter 565: Martial Arts Relic 09
"Mo Ningxun, when are you leaving?" Qian Xue asked with a smile, Mo Ningxun left, and Qian Nuo lost another love rival.

"I never said I was leaving." Mo Ningxun's face was a little gloomy.

Yi Shuihan's smile is gone, will Mo Ningxun leave?In fact, she also felt strange, why did Mo Ningxun leave all of a sudden?Why did everyone let Mo Ningxun go?

Qianxue was not happy when she heard that: "Now those famous martial arts sects are suspecting that your magic palace has stolen martial arts sacred objects, and they are about to crusade against your magic palace, so why don't you go back and deal with the matter."

Mo Ningxun said darkly: "I didn't steal it, even if they searched the magic palace, they still couldn't find it."

Yi Shuihan heard that this was the reason why Mo Ningxun wanted to leave, and asked doubtfully, "What is a martial art relic?"

Well?Everyone looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, didn't Shuihan know?The news is too poor.

Qianxue immediately explained: "I also just heard from Rong Yun and the others that this martial arts sacred object is called the Holy Cherry Fruit, and is called the Supreme in the martial arts."

I pour!I also have cherry tomatoes!Yi Shuihan rolled his eyes and said, "Then what is this holy cherry fruit used for? Why is it called a martial arts sacred object?"

Qianxue was poor at words, so she didn't understand, so she cast a puzzled look at everyone, please explain.

Rong Yun said: "The holy cherry fruit was handed down more than 200 years ago. It is said that the leader of the martial arts at that time was seriously injured for killing the wicked. One holy cherry fruit was given to the seriously injured leader of the martial arts. After the leader took the next holy cherry fruit, the injury improved. He had to take the second one to recover from the injury, but the leader of the martial arts at that time said: such a precious How can I enjoy the holy cherry fruit alone? So this holy cherry fruit has been passed down."

So that's the case, Qianxue nodded, and said: "The martial arts leader more than 200 years ago is really selfless, he sacrificed his life for righteousness."

Yi Shuihan asked again: "Then this holy cherry fruit is considered a kind of medicine for healing, and Ningxun is not hurt, so why steal it? Moreover, the efficacy of this holy cherry fruit is passed down from generation to generation, so there is no way to study it. The terrible thing is that the holy cherry fruit has been stored for more than 200 years, and it is not known if it is broken? And the time span is too long, and it is possible that the holy cherry fruit has been stolen for a long time."

These words warmed Mo Ningxun's heart, and she looked at Yi Shuihan with smiles and emotions.

Wushang said: "It is also recorded in the medical books that the holy cherry tree grows in the ice and snow, and it takes 100 years for it to bear a single holy cherry fruit. After picking the holy cherry tree, the holy cherry tree withers quickly. And the holy cherry fruit is like honey, it will not go bad."

Rong Yun said: "I don't know if this holy cherry fruit was stolen or not. The holy cherry fruit has been protected by previous martial arts leaders, and the current martial arts leader is Tian Jizi, the head of the Qingcheng sect. Every session Changing the leader of the martial arts will show the holy cherry fruit in front of everyone. Three days ago, Tian Jizi said that the holy cherry fruit was stolen."

Yi Shuihan nodded, and asked again: "Is the name of the martial arts leader Tianjizi? This name is too strange."

Rong Yun was stunned, Shui Han didn't even know anyone: "No, Tianjizi is a name, and people who have status in the martial arts and respected people respect him by his name."

So that was the case, Yi Shuihan asked again: "Then why did you point the finger at the Demon Palace? What is the reason for the Demon Palace to steal?"

(End of this chapter)

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