Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 569: Martial Arts Relic 13

Chapter 569: Martial Arts Relic 13
"Shuihan, what did you ask the master of ceremonies to do?" Qianxue asked immediately as soon as she entered the front hall, asking the master of ceremonies to go or not would be to look down on her ability.

"Probably a lot of things, I can't tell, what's the problem?" Yi Shuihan glanced at Qianxue lightly, did he need to be so excited?

"I'm going too!" Qianxue said firmly, she also wanted to sharpen.

"Are you going too? These things are not suitable for you." Yi Shuihan said seriously.

"What the hell is that?" Qianxue was a little angry, this dead Yi Shuihan was mysterious.

"Murder and arson are very dangerous." Yi Shuihan half-jokingly said.

"I'm not afraid of danger. I feel that I'm too weak. I don't have enough experience. I need to sharpen. You let me go." Qianxue begged very resolutely. She also wanted to become strong and invincible!

"It's dangerous, are you really going?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"Of course, do I look like I'm joking?" Qian Xue raised her voice, she had already firmly emphasized that she would go.

"Did you ask Qian Nuo about this?" Yi Shuihan looked at Qian Nuo, they were brothers and sisters who were related by blood, although they were half-brothers, they had a very good relationship as siblings.

"Brother Seven, the power of my life and death rests on you. As long as you nod your head, I will live." Qian Xue looked at Qian Nuo imploringly, her eyes were watery, and she would probably cry if you said no.

"If Shimei, you think you can protect yourself, go." Qian Nuo said, maybe Qianxue will make a breakthrough, he is very supportive of his sister.

"Thank you Seventh Brother." Qianxue smiled, thought for a while, she still didn't know where she was going, she blinked her eyes, and asked, "Shui Han, what are you going to do?"

Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead, Qianxue rushed to go without even knowing what to do, Qianxue was not stupid, on the contrary she was very smart, she also had brains in doing business, but sometimes she lacked roots.

"Go to Tongcheng Pale Shadow Museum and stay, continue to do your business, and have a big dream of becoming the richest man in Tongcheng."

Qian Xue became discouraged when she heard this, "Looking at the account book again? Didn't you just say that there would be danger?" She wanted something exciting.

"Do you really want to kill people and set fire to them?" Yi Shuihan said unhappily. Even if it was the master of ceremonies, she didn't want the master of ceremonies to know the existence of the dark pavilion. She only asked the master of ceremonies to stay in the light shadow hall and work with Huaying to learn how to analyze and collect Information, dealing with various matters, and training resilience; as for Qianxue, let her take care of the business.

"Okay then, I'm leaving, everyone don't miss me." Qianxue looked at everyone and said narcissistically.

"Get out." Yi Shuihan said two words lightly.

"Unconscionable." Qian Xue muttered and cursed as she walked out of the front hall to pack her things, hmph, let her do business?dream!She will definitely stick to the master of ceremonies, she swears, she will definitely become stronger!
The master of ceremonies was both happy and worried. The master said that the process of letting him go to study would be bloody. The master also asked him if he would like to go. Of course he was willing. This is a good opportunity to sharpen, but now he is worried that he is not capable enough to protect Qianxue.

"Luohu Town and Tongcheng are not far away, they are right next to each other. Since Qianxue has returned to Tongcheng, why don't we also go back to Tongcheng and live in Jinlan Garden." Rong Zhi thought for a while and said, in fact, he said this out of selfishness. Tongcheng, Jinlanyuan is his place, he naturally hopes that Shuihan lives in his place, the reason he dared to bring up is that Shuihan cares about Qianxue, he should agree; and Qianxue is Qiannuo's sister, so Qiannuo can't Wushang should be fine; as for Chengbi, even if Chengbi doesn't want to, but Chengbi who left Shuihan will definitely accompany her.

(End of this chapter)

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