Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 572: Martial Arts Relic 16

Chapter 572: Martial Arts Relic 16
"Then what did you ask the master of ceremonies to learn?" Qianxue was a little reluctant. Yi Shuihan was too partial to the master of ceremonies. If one day the master of ceremonies became very powerful, her self-esteem would be severely damaged.

"Then you can learn from the master of ceremonies when you have time." Yi Shuihan said casually, she didn't want Qianxue to know about the secret things.

Qianxue was not happy when she heard it. Doesn't it mean that she is weaker than the master of ceremonies if she is asked to learn from the master of ceremonies? "No, how about I also learn from Huaying."

"Okay, I'm very happy to give you my money." Huaying immediately answered, he certainly couldn't wish for a beautiful woman to accompany her, and this beautiful woman is... very special.

The master of ceremonies could see Huaying's intentions, and felt even more angry, but thinking about it from another angle, if he and Qianxue were studying with Huaying together, then Qianxue would always be with him.

Yi Shuihan thought for a while, and said: "Okay, but you can't participate in any outings, just stay with me in the Pale Shadow Studio."

Qian Xue was a little discouraged: "Huh? What's the difference between this and doing business?"

Yi Shuihan said: "If you can beat Huaying, I will let you go out, otherwise there is no need to discuss anything."

Qianxue looked at Huaying, she looked very thin, so she should be easily knocked down, right?Then she has to practice hard!

Huaying smiled, Qianxue wanted to knock him down?If he doesn't let Qianxue, it is estimated that Qianxue will not be able to defeat him. Although his martial arts are not as good as Kazekage and Xuekage, he is still a master, and he has his own special skills.

Yi Shuihan said: "Go up and familiarize yourself with the environment first, don't mess with the things in the accounting room, there are institutions, Huaying will tell you what institutions there are later."

"Oh." Qianxue and the master of ceremonies agreed and went up along the way.

As soon as the two left, Huaying's expression became solemn, with guilt and remorse.

"Pavilion Lord, please forgive me. This subordinate has brought trouble to the dark pavilion." Huaying repented. At first, he wanted to try his best to remedy it, but his ability was limited, and the matter was beyond his imagination, and it seemed to be getting worse.

"What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows, looking at Huaying's serious expression.

"Previously, my subordinate was the killer of Jueshalou in Donglin Kingdom. Jueshalou was actually working for the royal family of Donglin Kingdom. The affairs that could not be put on the table in the political power were executed by Jueshalou. The subordinate was killed because of a mission failure. Became an abandoned son, escaped to the Beiming Kingdom by chance, and joined the secret cabinet in order to avoid being chased and killed."

"Could it be that you were discovered by Jue Sha Lou?" Yi Shuihan asked, these were explained in Huaying's materials, and she knew it too.

"No, I guess they have given up on chasing me. It's just that people from Jueshalou appear frequently in Tongcheng recently, and the people who come are not easy. Maybe even the owner of Jueshalou has come."

"Well, what then?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"For personal grievances, my subordinates couldn't help but send people to thoroughly investigate the purpose of Jue Sha Lou. As a result, the secret pavilion was exposed, which instead attracted Jue Sha Lou to pursue the secret pavilion." At present, the dark pavilion is just taking shape, and it is like eggs and stones compared with Jueshalou.

Yi Shuihan pondered for a while. Huaying couldn't be blamed for this incident. If it was compared to her, she would also go to Jueshalou to investigate. To blame can only be blamed on the fact that Jueshalou is too powerful. Every country has a secret organization to solve the problem. Things that are not on the table are like the Tsing Yi cavalry in Ling Yiran's hand. She has seen it before, and it is indeed powerful.

"Have you found out what the people from Jue Sha Lou are doing all the way to Beiming Kingdom?" Yi Shuihan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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