Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 574: Martial Arts Relic 18

Chapter 574: Martial Arts Relic 18
"How about the magic palace?"

Huaying said: "It's still the same, there is no movement, but the famous and decent sects in the world are already gathering people, and they may crusade against the Demon Palace later. I don't know if the Demon Palace is pretending to be calm or confident."

What kind of tricks is this Mo Ningxun playing?Mo Ningxun will definitely not fight against these decent sects with a self-cleaning attitude. Either the Demon Palace has enough capital to clamor and fight with the decent sects; or it is to produce evidence to prove that the Holy Cherry Fruit is not the Demon Palace stolen.

Mo Ningxun is a smart person, even if he has enough capital to fight against, he will not be so stupid as to really fight with all the sects. Not only will he suffer losses, but he will also become an enemy of the martial arts, so the Demon Palace will not have to mess around in the future, so Mo Ning Xun should have found out that the gate of hell stole the holy cherry fruit, but why did he not announce it so long?Could it be that the holy cherry fruit is at the gate of hell when the decent sects force them to the gate of the demon palace? If he does this, he is not an enemy of the gate of hell. hell gate.

Hua Ying took a glance at Yi Shuihan, at this time the pavilion master could still laugh, Jue Sha Lou was about to reveal the dark secrets of the dark pavilion, and that Wushang was a dangerous person, lurking beside the pavilion master majestically, the pavilion Isn't the Lord worried?

Yi Shuihan asked: "What's going on in Jue Sha Lou now? Did you find out that the holy cherry fruit fell into the hands of the Hell Gate?"

"Not yet, Jueshalou has only arrived in Beiming Kingdom not long ago, and there are not many informants, so we can't find anything for the time being. Jueshalou also checked the Demon Palace, so we don't know the result, but according to my subordinates, With the ability of Jueshalou, it will be a matter of time to find out the whereabouts of the holy cherry fruit, and I believe that Jueshalou will find out within a few days." He once stayed in Jueshalou, although he was only an unknown killer, but I know more or less about Jue Sha Lou.

"What is the purpose of Juesha Tower and Hell Gate asking for the holy cherry fruit?" Yi Shuihan asked after pondering for a while.

"I heard that the monarch of Donglin has been in poor health. I guess he wants the holy cherry fruit to cure his illness. After all, the holy cherry fruit is something from the Beiming Kingdom, and Jue Shalou dare not look for it with great fanfare; as for the gate of hell, I guess It should have something to do with Fu Hongchen wearing a mask all the time, maybe he is really disfigured, and he needs the holy cherry fruit to heal his injuries."

Yi Shuihan was rather curious, how ugly can a disfigured face be?

"Is Jue Sha Lou very tight in investigating the Dark Pavilion?" This is what she cares most about. The other sects' fighting to the death has nothing to do with her, but it is also beneficial to the Dark Pavilion.

"It's not too serious. It's mainly to find out the reason for the whereabouts of Shengyingguo and Baili Wushang. As long as the existence of the dark pavilion does not threaten Juesha Tower, it is estimated that the matter of Shengyingguo will return to Donglin Kingdom once the matter is over."

"That way, there is nothing to worry about. After all, this place is the territory of Beiming Kingdom. Even if Jue Shalou is backed by the royal family of Donglin Kingdom, it would not dare to make big moves in Beiming Kingdom."

Huaying hesitated for a while, he was always a little guilty: "However, having said that, the imperial court and the rivers and lakes do not interfere with well water, if Jueshalou does anything to the dark pavilion or other sects, as long as it does not affect the political affairs of Beiming Kingdom Quan, the imperial court will not take care of it."

Yi Shuihan pondered for a while, Huaying's words were not unreasonable, and she was also very unwilling to be stared at by the poisonous snake Jueshalou, whose fangs seemed to bite her at any time.

"Huaying, how much do you think the news of the whereabouts of the holy cherry fruit is worth?"

(End of this chapter)

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