Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 582: Birthday Feast 06

Chapter 582: Birthday Feast 06
Qianxue wrote down a string of English slowly, why did she write English?Because the content and the last time the lantern was set off were for her parents and brother in a different time and space, she couldn't let people in this time and space know.

After Qian Nuo saw that Qian Xue had finished writing, he slowly took away his hand, but when he did, he was a little bit reluctant. This beautiful moment was too short.

After Qian Renxue folded the note, lit the candle, then closed her eyes and made a wish.

The Kongming lantern slowly rises into the night sky, drifts farther and farther away, merges with the stars in the night sky, and finally disappears into the sky, bringing wishes to the distant horizon.

Qianxue sighed a little, she was one year older, 24 years old!As old as Yi Shuihan, she suddenly thought of a very important question.

"Shuihan, when is your birthday?" Qianxue looked at Yi Shuihan and asked, she didn't know yet.

Wushang and the others looked at Yi Shuihan one after another when they heard the words. He didn't know when Shuihan's birthday was?
Yi Shuihan was stopped by the question, this question, in fact: "I don't know too well."

Qian Xue couldn't believe it and said, "How come you don't even know your own birthday?"

"What's so strange, I don't remember." Yi Shuihan didn't think there was anything wrong, and to be precise, she didn't know when she was born.

Qian Xue still didn't believe it, and asked again: "Then how do you celebrate your birthday every year?"

"I was very busy at that time, so I didn't have time to think about it." At that time, she was either training or taking assignments, running around the world, and then became a lawyer. She didn't have the thought to find out when she was born.

When Wushang and the others heard this, they were a little disappointed. Did Shuihan really not remember or didn't want to tell others?
Qianxue didn't bother with this issue anymore, and raised her glass: "I toast everyone." After finishing speaking, she drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. The wine was not too strong, but very fragrant.

Everyone also raised their glasses and drank, only Rong Yun drank tea.

Rong Rong smiled and said, "Today is your birthday, Qianxue, so it's only a toast to you."

Qianxue hurriedly said: "It's not fair, there are so many of you, if you offer me a toast, how many glasses will I have to drink, and I'm not very good at wine, I can do anything when I'm drunk."

Rong Yu smiled and said, "Qianxue, don't worry, I've met people with the weirdest wines."

Qianxue asked curiously: "Whose wine tastes weird, and how is it weird?"

Rong Rong smiled and said, "It's my third brother. As for how weird it is, ahem, I can't say."

Everyone looked at Rong Yun one after another, curious about how bad Rong Yun's wine was.

Rong Yun's face was embarrassed, thinking of what happened after drinking in Caisangyuan, he was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it. In fact, he didn't like drinking. At that time, drinking deliberately was not to relieve his sorrow, but to strengthen his courage. He didn't know that after drinking Will do anything but allow his courage to expand infinitely.

Yi Shuihan's expression was a bit unnatural, she knew that Rong Yun's wine was not good, so she would find someone to sleep with after drinking, and she also accompanied Rong Yun twice, so who did Rong Yun sleep with after drinking before?

Qian Xue remembered that when she was having dinner at Gu Xiangrong's house, it was no wonder that Rong Yun didn't drink a drop of wine.

Mo Ningxun evoked an evil smile, and already had a plan in mind.

Cheng Bi had an expression of watching the show, because he caught Mo Ningxun's fleeting and sinister eyes, and Qian Xue's sly eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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