Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 584: Birthday Feast 08

Chapter 584: Birthday Feast 08
Rong Jun was sitting next to Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan looked at Rong Jun pitifully, he shouldn't get drunk after a glass of wine, don't ask her to sleep with her, otherwise she won't be able to wash herself off even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Rong Yu and Rong Rong looked at Rong Yun sadly, it's over now, Rong Yun and Jiu have a grudge against each other, even though they were both born from the same mother's womb, they don't know why Rong Yun has this characteristic.

"You guys go ahead, I'll go and put the Kongming lanterns on." Leng Jian laughed twice, got up and left his seat quickly.

"Leng Jian, wait for me, I'll go too, I haven't let go of the Kongming lantern for a long time." Rong Yu laughed twice, and followed.

"Second brother, wait for me, I'll go too, hehe, whoever wants to set off the Kongming lanterns can go together." Rong Rong smiled unnaturally, left her seat hastily, and went to look for candles.

Everyone was suspicious, what happened to the Rong family?How come everyone is like fleeing for their lives.

Qianxue didn't think too much, and continued to focus on food. Today is her birthday, so eat as much as you want.

Mo Ningxun and the others were trying to figure out how to force Rong Yun to drink, but at this moment, they suddenly felt that Rong Yun was a little different.

Yi Shuihan's heart felt cold, she was very familiar with Rong Yun's expression, she asked a little unnaturally: "Rong Yun, are you okay?"

Rong Yun looked at Yi Shuihan without blinking, and said softly, "Shuihan, I'm a little sleepy."

With a bang, Yi Shuihan paused, the corners of his mouth twitched, he tried his best to keep calm and looked at Rong Yun, it's okay for you to be sleepy, but you must not ask me to sleep with you!
Everyone present looked at Rong Yun one after another. Rong Yun was very different, but they couldn't tell what was different. Could it be that Rong Yun was drunk?
Qianxue felt more and more that it was wrong for Rong Yun to say that she was sleepy so early, and she still said to Yi Shuihan, strange, strange, "Rong Yun, it's still very early."

Rong Yun didn't seem to hear Qian Xue's words, and said softly to Yi Shuihan: "Shuihan, I'm a little sleepy."

It was another bomb, and Yi Shuihan could hardly maintain the composure on his face, and smiled twice: "Rong Yun, I'll take you back to your room."

Rong Yun seemed to get a satisfactory answer, nodded, and smiled softly: "Okay."

Wushang suddenly said with a friendly face: "Rong Yun, I'll take you back to your room."

"No need." Rong Jun glanced at Wushang coldly, and said without warmth.

Everyone was startled, Rong Yun's eyes were terrifying, without any warmth, cold as sharp icicles, and his tone was gloomy, not at all like the expression Rong Yun should have.

Wushang was stunned, he had never seen Rong Yun's expression like this, as if he had changed.

Yi Shuihan ignored everyone's different eyes, immediately grabbed Rong Yun's wrist, pulled him away from his seat, and went straight to Rong Yun's room.

Shuihan actually took the initiative to hold Rongyun's hand?A few pairs of gloomy eyes were tightly glued to Yi Shuihan's hands, and they didn't willingly look away until the two of them were gone, it was never expected that Shuihan was protecting Rongjun like this!Suddenly regretted forcing Rong Yun to drink.

The people who put up the Kongming lanterns stared blankly at the retreating figures of Rong Yun and Yi Shuihan, and they didn't come back to their senses until they disappeared for a long time. They quickly put down the Kongming lanterns, and then returned to their seats.

Leng Jian smiled strangely, fortunately Yi Shuihan was here, no matter how much wine Rong Yun drank, nothing would happen.

"There should be nothing wrong with Yi Shuihan." Rong Yu said worriedly.

Everyone looked at Rong Yu suspiciously, what will happen to Shui Han?

(End of this chapter)

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