Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 586: Birthday Feast 10

Chapter 586: Birthday Feast 10
Rong Rong smiled mysteriously: "I haven't finished yet. If you were there in person, you would definitely not say that. Even if you see people in white clothes picking flowers in the future, you will be scared to death."

With everyone's curiosity raised high, how terrifying can Rong Yun be?
Qianxue urged: "Then tell me quickly, don't say half of it and don't say half of it, it's tempting."

Rong Rong gave Qianxue a white look, it was you who interrupted me, and you were ashamed to say it, and then continued: "At that time, we couldn't stop feeling cold in our hearts, that white shadow was gloomy, with an expressionless face, and picked the red one stiffly. Flowers, after picking, the flowers are not given to others, but the flowers are crushed with internal force, as if the flowers have a grudge against him."

Speaking of this, Rong Rong glanced at Rong Yu, and continued: "At that time, the second brother couldn't see it, so he walked over to the third brother and said: Third brother, this flower grows well, so don't pick it off." Unexpectedly, the third brother looked at the second brother coldly as soon as he heard it, as if he was looking at an enemy, he almost regarded the second brother as a flower, and shot the second brother mercilessly."

Speaking of this, Rong Rong stopped and looked at the people who were eager to listen to the following.

Rong Yu's expression became a little uneasy, the lesson told him, never get close to Rong Yun after drinking.

Qianxue was a little anxious, and urged Cui: "Say it quickly."

Rong Rong giggled twice, and continued: "In the end, the third brother didn't know what happened to his nerves, and beat the second brother until he couldn't get out of bed for three days. At that time, my father was alarmed. It was my father and the eldest brother who joined forces to beat the second brother. It’s only when the third brother is knocked out, otherwise the second brother doesn’t know what will happen to him.”

After everyone heard this, they looked at Rong Yu one after another, and the meaning in their eyes was that you can't even beat Rong Yu.

Rong Yu received the information from everyone's eyes, his face was embarrassed, and he immediately argued: "It's not that I can't beat Rong Yun, usually Rong Yun is not my opponent, it's just that Rong Yun seemed to be a different person that time. Don't dare to hurt Rong Yun!"

What Rong Yu said was quite aggrieved. As an older brother, he was actually beaten up by his younger brother. It was the worst time he was beaten in history. Even his father punished him not so painfully.

Rong Rong laughed twice again, and said: "The good show is yet to come. When the third brother woke up the next day, we all looked at him with terrified eyes and shunned him. The third brother saw a man in the yard. He actually asked: "Why was this flower picked? But it was picked well." After hearing this, we could only look at him with more terrified eyes, making sure that he was awake, and then told him that the flower was his Picked it up after being drunk, the second brother was beaten half to death by you, and he is still lying on the bed, he woke up suddenly after hearing this."

Rong Yu said: "Since we found out that Rong Yun can't drink alcohol, we ordered the kitchen not to serve alcohol in any dishes, but that time the cook was new, so something went wrong, and Rong Yun knew that he couldn't drink alcohol. I don’t drink at all, but sometimes it’s unavoidable to drink by accident, like today.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, just a few drops of wine on a plate of food can knock Rong Jun down, so wouldn't Rong Jun have a drink just now..., no wonder Rong Jun became so strange just now, it turned out that he was drunk.

Qianxue said in shock: "Oh no, Shuihan has been gone for so long and hasn't come back yet, will Rong Yun and Shuihan fight?"

Wushang and the others felt something was wrong, and were about to find Yi Shuihan, Leng Jian hurriedly stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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