Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 605 The Battle of Hell 09

Chapter 605 The Battle of Hell 09
Yi Shuihan left the pavilion, saw the flames in the distance, and the sound of fighting came from the entrance of the gate of hell, at the cable bridge, and saw a large number of guards knocking on the gate of the palace of hell.

Such a big lineup?What happened?Did something happen to Huaying?But can Huaying alone make such a big storm?
"Sect Master, tell the Sect Master that the sect headed by the Qingcheng Sect is besieging our gate." The guard outside the gate of Yan Dian yelled, but after a long time no response from the Sect Master, he had already started banging on the door.

"Report to the Sect Master, the entrance to the Hell Gate has been lost, please make a decision." The guards outside the gate were in a mess, and the gate of Hades Palace was really strong, and it took a long time to knock it open without breaking it.

Yi Shuihan despised these guards in his heart, idiots, they jumped over the wall if the door couldn't be knocked open, she set fire just now, probably Fu Hongchen couldn't hear it, this time Fu Hongchen was seriously injured, even those so-called decent families This time to attack the gates of hell.

Yi Shuihan returned to the place where he was separated from Huaying just now, Huaying had disappeared, so he went straight to the cable bridge, taking advantage of the confusion to get out.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright, the sky was hazy, and the rope bridge was full of gunpowder smoke. People wearing ghost masks from Hell Gate fought with various factions.

"Hand over the holy cherry fruit of the martial arts sacred object! Hand over the holy cherry fruit of the martial arts sacred object!"

"Go in! Take back the sacred object of martial arts!" The disciples of Qingcheng faction shouted, all of them were filled with righteous indignation, and they were bound to take back the holy cherry fruit.

Yi Shuihan frowned, the decent sect suddenly changed its focus to attack the gate of hell, then the so-called discussion to attack the demon palace before was just a cover, what a Mo Ningxun.

Seeing that Yi Shuihan was wearing the ghost clothes with the logo of the gate of hell, the decent people immediately attacked him.

Yi Shuihan beat him to the ground with two moves. If she hadn't been injured, he would have done it with one move.

Several people saw how powerful Yi Shuihan was, and the disciples with slightly higher martial arts immediately surrounded Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan cursed in his heart, she was a bit overwhelmed by the current lineup, and she didn't dare to show her golden fan, so she had to grab a long sword. She was not very good at using a sword, but she was okay with these people.

After more than a dozen moves, several senior disciples were injured, knowing that they were invincible.

The Xingxiu Sect disciple shouted: "Master, Master Uncle, we can't beat this person."

Yi Shuihan was about to escape when several middle-aged men who looked like knights of the rivers and lakes blocked Yi Shuihan's way. Yi Shuihan was a young boy. They did not dare to neglect.

"Hmph, what a decent family, they beat me one by one." Yi Shuihan laughed sarcastically.

"There's no need for morality to deal with these crooked ways of Hell Gate!" A man shouted, and stabbed Yi Shuihan with several swords together.

All of a sudden, this place became a small battlefield, people turned their backs on their backs, stabbed with red swords, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

The sky turned pale, the distant scenery became clearer and clearer, and there was a scuffle at both ends of the cable bridge.

With a clang sound, the sword in Yi Shuihan's hand was knocked out, and the sword reversed several times in the air before falling into the deep ditch.

Yi Shuihan was so shocked that his blood was boiling, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and took two steps back unsteadily.

"This man has extraordinary martial arts, capture him alive." The older man commanded.

Yi Shuihan smiled coldly, then took a few steps back to the side of the cable bridge, took out a silver box and held it up high.

"The Holy Cherry Fruit is here, if you dare to step forward, I will die with the Holy Cherry Fruit." Yi Shuihan looked at the crowd, and then at the deep and dark ditch.

(End of this chapter)

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