Chapter 623
"What do you think?!" Yi Shuihan said coldly, and suddenly, she thought of another question: "You, what do you feed?"

"Use your mouth, what's the matter?" Qing Lian looked puzzled.

"..." Now Yi Shuihan was completely covered by anger, and he was so angry that he couldn't say a word. It is undeniable that Qinglian is powerful, but there is a root missing in his mind. She knew that he didn't mean it, he just wanted to But it is taken for granted that this should be done.

However, she would never allow others to do this kind of rude behavior to her! !
Seeing her complexion ever-changing, Qing Lian had a bad premonition in his heart. He could see that she was angry, so he asked, "Why are you angry?"

Yi Shuihan saw that he looked puzzled and innocent, and the matter had already happened, and it would not help to pursue the matter, and he was also trying to save her, so he treated it as being kissed by a beautiful man.

"Qinglian, wouldn't you cut that ginseng into pieces first, then put it into a bowl and mash it, and then soak it in hot water, wouldn't it be better to feed it with a spoon?"

"Ah? I didn't think of this method, but this method is too troublesome, don't talk about it, let's feed you first." Qinglian urged Cui Dao, he was most afraid of her stomach growling.

"Don't feed me from now on!" Yi Shuihan had a faint frost on his face, and grabbed the ginseng from Qinglian's hand.

"Ah? Why is that? Would you eat it yourself?" Qinglian asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense! Humans will eat!" This is human instinct. Yi Shuihan took a look at this ginseng. It has a good shape and a good color. .

"Don't look at it, eat it quickly." Qinglian urged again, her tone seemed to say, if you don't eat it, you will be cold.

"Just eat it like this?" Yi Shuihan asked in disbelief, did he really eat it like a carrot?
"That's right, otherwise how do you want to eat?" Qing Lian was puzzled, she was always talking about eating, and what he hated to hear most was the sound of her stomach growling.

Yi Shuihan was helpless, she was really hungry, she took a small bite of ginseng and only chewed it twice, the smell of ginseng made her want to sneeze.

Seeing that she couldn't swallow it, Qinglian couldn't bear it: "Is it hard to eat? Then don't eat it, try this." He handed her a fruit the size of an apple, but it was definitely not an apple.

Yi Shuihan didn't know what it was, she didn't dare to try it again, probably the taste would be worse than ginseng: "No need, I'd better eat ginseng."

Qinglian remembered what she said just now to soak ginseng in hot water, so she heated the cold water in the teapot with internal force, and then poured a cup of hot water for her.

"Thank you." Yi Shuihan finally finished eating that root of ginseng, and drank a few sips of water to wash away the smell of ginseng in his mouth.

"You are welcome, my last catastrophe is you, and I am the one to thank you." Qing Lian smiled.

Yi Shuihan looked at him, Qinglian actually smiled?Such a holy person smiles differently. As for what is the calamity, she is in the fog. She has always believed in materialism, and she doesn't understand these mysterious things.

Suddenly, she felt a little hot, maybe it was because she was full, so she took off the fox fur outside, and it was much cooler immediately, but after a while, it started to get hot again, and it was getting hotter and hotter, as if there was a stove burning. Like burning.

Yi Shuihan was startled, could it be that there was something wrong with the food she ate just now? "Qinglian, I'm very hot, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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