Chapter 628
"Qinglian, don't walk around, what's the matter?" Yi Shuihan finally put down the book, couldn't help talking, it dazzled her eyes.

Qinglian frowned, and said: "Today, my mind power is much weaker, and I can't even handle a small snowstorm."

"Just take your time." Yi Shuihan didn't know what to say, and she didn't understand these things, so she casually said something perfunctory, but after hearing what Qinglian said, to order the wind and snow, does Qinglian still have the ability to call the wind and rain?That was really scary.

Qinglian looked at Yi Shuihan for a while, and then said sadly: "Actually, it's all your fault. If I didn't practice for more than ten days to take care of you, my mind power would not have weakened."

Yi Shuihan didn't know what to say, and she couldn't help her. Speaking of it, she really owed Qinglian, her life was saved by Qinglian, but Qinglian was too strong, she didn't know how to pay it back .

After Qinglian finished speaking, she regretted a little. She couldn't be blamed for this matter at all. She was his calamity. It was only natural for him to save her. On the contrary, he wanted to thank her. He wanted to say something at first, but when he saw her He didn't say a word, and he felt uncomfortable, so he went to the book angrily to see if there was any remedy.

After a while, Yi Shuihan still didn't say a word, and Qinglian secretly glanced at her from time to time, feeling more and more annoyed.

"Shuihan, I'm not blaming you, I'm too eager for success, I'm sorry." Qinglian said regretfully.

"No, no, I did hinder you, and I'm the one who needs to apologize." Yi Shuihan was a little embarrassed, and said hastily.

"Are you not angry anymore?" Qinglian looked at her and asked uncertainly.

"Why should I be angry? You are the one who is angry."

"I won't be angry, as long as you are not angry." Qinglian smiled, and the unhappiness just now was swept away, which made him very relieved.

Now Yi Shuihan doesn't know what to say anymore. Qinglian's mood changes too much, and she still doesn't know the reason for Qinglian's mood changes. Qinglian, a non-human creature that is about to become extinct, is not an ordinary person like her. understandable.

"Shuihan, I just picked a fresh holy cherry fruit, are you hungry?" Qing Lian took out a crystal clear fruit from her pocket. The holy cherry fruit that was just picked was as bright red as blood, lustrous and glowing red. Glorious and beautiful.

"I'm not hungry." Yi Shuihan looked at the holy cherry fruit, and twitched the corner of his mouth. The holy cherry fruit that others dream of is just an ordinary fruit to Qinglian.

"Are you thirsty? I'll heat the water for you to drink." Qinglian asked again.

"No, I'm not thirsty."

"Well, it's already noon, let's go to take a nap." Qinglian yawned, she didn't get enough sleep last night, and today she is very sleepy.

"I'm not sleepy, go to sleep." Yi Shuihan was a little overwhelmed.

"But I can't sleep alone, you can sleep with me." Qinglian's eyes were full of pleading.

"Okay, but first you have to promise not to hold me."

"Okay, go to sleep, I'm very sleepy." Qinglian took Yi Shuihan's hand, pulled her into the room, and quickly lay down with her clothes on.

This afternoon nap, I slept until dusk before waking up.

Qing Lian was full of sleep, her whole body was refreshed, and she leaned against Yi Shuihan's neck contentedly.

Yi Shuihan pushed Qinglian, opened a distance, she had already retreated to the bedside, and rolled out of the bed if she retreated again, for a whole afternoon, when Qinglian leaned over, she pushed, repeated, Qinglian Lian was still entangled like an octopus, no matter how much she pushed, she couldn't wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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