Chapter 631
Qing Lian's eyes were full of pleading: "But I haven't."

Yi Shuihan pretended not to see: "Then you go quickly, it will be dark if you don't go."

Qinglian said quietly: "You can go with me, I don't want to go alone."

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, what do you want her to do?Look at the pictures of beautiful men bathing? "You go alone when I'm not around." The implication is that you have to go if you don't want to.

Qing Lian was startled, her mood dropped a little immediately, she thought hard for a while before saying: "But you are here now."


In the end, Yi Shuihan didn't know whether it was a mysterious accident or a hothead, but under Qinglian's endless pleadings, he agreed.

The hot spring is surrounded by mist, and a few small snowflakes occasionally float down in the air, like smoke and illusion, and the surrounding area is covered with white snow, stretching as far as the eye can see. This scene is extremely beautiful, but the people are even more beautiful.

Undoubtedly, Yi Shuihan watched a free picture of beautiful men bathing, but unfortunately, she didn't feel like spurting blood at all.

About an hour later, Qinglian came out of the hot spring, her body was naked, and water droplets were still hanging on her snow-white skin. She smiled at Yi Shuihan without any shame, and went into the wooden house to get dressed.

Yi Shuihan twitched the corner of his mouth, is Qinglian too open, or Qinglian hasn't been educated yet?So pure that there is no trace of impurity, no desire, and the eyes are like a clear spring.

Qinglian put on a thick fox fur and came out, her long silver hair was hanging down wetly, holding a towel in her hand, she walked in front of Yi Shuihan with a smile on her face.

"Shui Han, I wiped your hair for you when you were drowsy, now it's up to you to wipe my hair." Qing Lian stuffed the towel into Yi Shuihan's hand with a look of reason.

As soon as this matter was brought up, Yi Shuihan's expression turned a little dark. Although Qinglian didn't mean anything malicious, she still couldn't accept the fact that he touched her all over. She wanted to find a chance to touch her back.

Yi Shuihan helped Qinglian brush her hair, his hair was extremely smooth, unbroken at all, hanging down very obediently, it was all silver, especially shiny under the moonlight.

"Qinglian, is your hair naturally silver?"

"No, it used to be black, but when it reaches a certain level, it will become silver."

"So weird? But the silver one looks nice."

"You like it?" Qinglian smiled.


After drying my hair, the snow stopped, the night sky was like washing, the moon was already hanging in the sky, and the moonlight sprinkled on the snow, shining brightly.

The two returned under the moonlight, like walking on a field of shining stars.

"The water is cold, the moonlight is very good tonight, let's enjoy the moon for a while before going back."

Qinglian pulled Yi Shuihan to the side of the boulder, waved her robe sleeves, swept the snow off the boulder, and sat down with Yi Shuihan.

The air after snowfall is exceptionally pure, and things in the distance can be seen clearly. At the beginning of September, the moon is not very round, but it is very bright. It hangs quietly in the air, looking at the two people who are dependent on each other on the snow peak.


The next day, Qinglian went to practice on the top of Jueqiong Peak as usual. He was afraid of seeing himself getting weaker and weaker, so he took a deep look at Yi Shuihan, reassured himself, and then went out.

Yi Shuihan continued to flip through the book, her internal injuries have healed a lot, sometimes she benefits a lot from following the exercises in the book, her body is getting better and better, and her steps are becoming lighter.

Yi Shuihan counted, today is September [-]th, Qinglian said that she can leave after half a month of recuperation, then she will leave here in seven days, she seems to be returning home, Qianxue and the others must be very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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