Chapter 635
Yi Shuihan took out the seventh kit that Qinglian gave her, remembering that Qinglian said that once the sixth catastrophe passed, the seventh kit would be invalidated, maybe the seventh kit would unlock the sixth kalpa. The key to robbery.

But this kit couldn't be opened, she tried all methods, cutting with knives, pricking with needles, smashing with stones, even burning with fire, soaking in water, but the kit was fireproof, waterproof, and sharp weapon resistant, and it was still silky after a long time. No movement, no damage, brand new without a trace of wrinkle.

Yi Shuihan was depressed now, what kind of material is this kit made of?What she sees and touches with her hands is no different from ordinary silk, and she really can't tell what's going on.

The door slowly opened, and there was a person standing outside the door, with snow-colored fox fur, silver hair, and pale face, he almost blended into the snow of Jueqiong Peak.

He stood quietly, looking so helpless and thin, as if he would fall down when the wind blows.

"Qinglian, what's wrong with you?" Yi Shuihan walked over, stretched out his hand to brush away the snow on his hair and fox fur, and pulled him into the house, why did he become like this all of a sudden.

This time it was Yi Shuihan's turn to use his internal energy to heat the water in the teapot, and then poured a glass of water for Qinglian, who seemed to be used to drinking warm water.

"Nuannuan stomach." Yi Shuihan put the cup into Qinglian's hand.

Qing Lian looked at Yi Shuihan, then picked up the cup in a daze and drank the water. He couldn't even feel the temperature of the water. How did he finish the water? His expression was complicated, with panic, struggle, and hesitation.

"Qinglian, what happened?"

"The water is cold, I'm sleepy."

"Then go to bed."

"Shuihan, sleep with me." Qinglian begged with eyes full.

Yi Shuihan hesitated for a while, but still agreed, she didn't know what to do with Qinglian.

The room was quiet, and the white gauze curtain fluttered slightly, half covering the bed. The two people who depended on each other vaguely revealed two faces that turned all sentient beings upside down.

"Qinglian, my injury has healed, thank you." Yi Shuihan has been brewing this sentence for a long time, and he will say it sooner or later.

Qinglian trembled slightly, and said in a low voice: "I know, you... go back."


In the last two days, Qinglian didn't go to practice, she read a book in the room as before, or talked with Yi Shuihan, or slept, but she didn't mention leaving again.

"Qinglian, why can't this kit be opened?" Yi Shuihan took out the seventh kit, maybe this kit would be helpful to Qinglian.

Qinglian was slightly startled, looked at the kit for a while, and said slowly: "Only I can open the kit."

so strange?Yi Shuihan handed him the kit: "Then you open it."

Qing Lian trembled, took two steps back involuntarily, and shook her head: "If the time is not up, it can't be opened, and I won't open it."

Master said that it needs to be opened only if he cannot pass the sixth calamity. If he opens it, it proves that he cannot pass the sixth calamity. Then all his years of cultivation will be wiped out, and he will even fall into a place of eternal doom.

One thought becomes a Buddha and one thought becomes a demon.

He will become a demon.

"Take this kit away, don't let it appear in front of me." Qinglian shook her head in panic, and went to another room after speaking.

Yi Shuihan was startled, what is the mystery of this kit?Qinglian seemed to be very afraid of it.

After a while, Qinglian came out of the room, holding a bundle in her hand, which contained many ginseng and holy cherry fruits, and then went to prepare fox fur and shawl.

Yi Shuihan could tell that Qinglian wanted her to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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