Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 637 The Battle of the Relics 01

Chapter 637 The Battle of the Relics 01
The silver-white Jueqiong Peak soars into the clouds, like smoke and illusion, lingering in clouds and mist, unreachable, as if it is a sacred peak leading to the sky.

Yi Shuihan walked for a long time, the temperature was getting warmer and the green trees were getting more and more lush, she didn't look back until she came out of Jueqiong Peak, she lived on that sacred peak for a month.

Yi Shuihan spent one night in the forest, and walked for another day the next day, crossing mountains and ridges, climbing mountains and wading.

It was not until dusk that he walked out of the forest, and when he looked back, he could no longer see the Jueqiong Peak, only the vast green hills, Yi Shuihan sighed slightly, that month seemed like a dream.

Dreams always have to wake up.

It wasn't until nightfall that Yi Shuihan came to a small town. The fox fur on his body had already been taken off, and he was dressed in a white plain robe with fluttering sleeves and a Wu belt in front of the wind.

Yi Shuihan was going to stay overnight, but encountered a small problem, he had no money, so he searched the street, locked a few fat sheep, and then took them by hand.

Early the next morning, Yi Shuihan sent a letter to Huaying with a pigeon, and then bought a horse and headed straight towards Tongcheng.

If there is no accident, you can meet Huaying after six days, and you can reach Tongcheng within eight days.

She escaped death in Wanren Mountain and was intercepted by the Demon Palace. How did the Demon Palace know that she would visit the gate of hell at night? She believed that it was not Huaying who betrayed her. As for why the Demon Palace wanted to kill her, it remains to be investigated.

Six days later, the largest inn in the town.

Yi Shuihan looked up and saw that six days ago, Fei Ge sent a letter to Huaying to wait for her here. If she missed it due to time problems, she would wait at the biggest inn in the next town.

In the private room, when Huaying saw Yi Shuihan, she almost burst into tears of gratitude, she burned incense and prayed to Buddha, the master disappeared, his subordinate felt uncomfortable, and the master's swarm of mad bees and butterflies, everyone wished to kill him.

"What's wrong? You don't recognize me?" Yi Shuihan glanced at Huaying and smiled.

"Master, I, I really don't recognize you." Huaying was both shocked and excited. After not seeing you for more than a month, the master of the pavilion is even more magnificent. The surrounding is noble and Tsinghua University, and he is wearing a snow-colored dress, just like an exile.

"Okay, don't look at me with that shocked look." Her clothes belonged to Qinglian, and she was too lazy to buy new ones because she was in a hurry. She doesn't like to wear white on weekdays. One, she doesn't like white, and two, she doesn't suit white. .

"Master, where have you been during this time?" Huaying asked the biggest doubt in her heart, the pavilion master left, not only her clothes changed, but her breath also changed.

"It's hard to explain. Let's talk about it in the future. Tell me what happened in Tongcheng?"

As soon as Huaying mentioned this, Huaying felt wronged: "Master, it's good for you to leave as soon as you leave, I was almost beaten by those men of yours."

Pfft, all the water in Yi Shuihan's mouth spewed out, choking heavily: "Ahem, you can eat things indiscriminately, but don't talk nonsense, tell the truth."

"I think you should go back quickly, master. Several powerful forces are looking for you. Demon Palace, Hell Gate, Nanlin Villa, Yueshanglou, Yiwang Mansion, and an unknown force from Lian Tianshui Kingdom are also here. Looking for you." Huaying wiped off her sweat, the pavilion master is really a troublemaker.

Yi Shuihan was also a little surprised when he heard that, her influence is quite large, even Ling Yiran is looking for her? "By the way, what happened to you the night you visited the gate of hell?"

"That night I was waiting for you, master, but I didn't see you coming out after waiting for a long time. I heard the sound of fighting coming from the Hell Gate Cable Bridge. All the famous sects let the gate of hell hand over the holy cherry fruit.

Someone passed by, so I dodged it for a while, and when I returned to the original place, I saw the guards guarding the Hall of Hell knocking on the door, thick smoke rose from the Hall of Hell, I thought something happened to you, master, so I took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into the guards , rushed into the Palace of Hell, and saw that the central pavilion was on fire.

The guards immediately went to the second floor of the pavilion to put out the fire, and I rushed in too, but there was no one in the pavilion, the flames were everywhere, the room was messy, and there were bloodstains on the ground.

I searched all over the palace of hell but couldn't find you, master, so I went straight to the cable bridge, and saw people from various sects and sects fighting for a silver box. I wanted to take advantage of the chaos and go out to the agreed place to find you, master, but the cable bridge came down. By the time the cable bridge was re-erected, it was already an hour later, and it was already dawn.

On the way, I saw the dead body of the person in the Demon Palace. I checked the wound by the way. I guessed that it was caused by your golden fan. After that, I went back to the agreed place and waited for you for a long time. , Finally, it is confirmed that you are missing, master. "

(End of this chapter)

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