Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 649 The Battle of the Relics 13

Chapter 649 The Battle of the Relics 13
"Qian Nuo." Yi Shuihan felt that the opening line that he thought of just now was not needed at the moment.

"Shui Han." Suddenly, Qian Nuo took a step forward and hugged her tightly.

His eyes were bright, brighter than obsidian, and would eclipse everything.

He bent down slightly and rested his head on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of this moment.

Yi Shuihan was taken aback for a moment, and then stretched out her arms to wrap around his waist. What she felt was not his weight, but his panic and heavy affection.

She had nothing to repay, she was originally a free and decisive person, but at this moment she hesitated.

"Brother Seven, ah, I didn't see anything..." Qianxue immediately turned around and left, wishing she could slap herself in the face for interrupting such a beautiful moment.

Qian Nuo and Yi Shuihan separated immediately, Qian Nuo was a little embarrassed, and then just smiled.

Yi Shuihan smiled at Qian Nuo, and then angrily said to Qian Xue's back: "Come back!"

Qian Xue came back awkwardly, and glanced at the two of them cautiously. She really didn't mean to disturb, and she didn't have important matters.

"You talk, I'll go back first."

"Shuihan, don't go, I came to look for Seventh Brother because I couldn't find you in your room." Qianxue quickly called Yi Shuihan to stop, with a worried look on her face.

"What do you want from me?" Seeing Qianxue's expression, Yi Shuihan had a bad premonition in his heart.

"It's a big deal, it's a big deal. There's a piece of explosive news about you in the martial arts world. It seems to have been spread since last night. It's spread all over the martial arts world in just one day. Someone should have deliberately spread it..."

"Get to the point, what news?!" Yi Shuihan interrupted Qianxue's nonsense.

"It is rumored that the Holy Cherry Fruit is in the hands of Yi Shuihan." Qianxue said in a coy voice, this is not impossible, no matter who Yi Shuihan is, it is not surprising that he got the Holy Cherry Fruit.

Qian Nuo was a little surprised, looked at Yi Shuihan, and seemed to be asking silently.

Yi Shuihan frowned, she just came back, the news is so well-informed, the people who spread the news are most suspected of being Hell Gate and Demon Palace, probably Fu Hongchen has already guessed that she stole the holy cherry fruit, and Lan Xin is Knowing that the holy cherry fruit is in her hand.

"Shuihan, everyone is waiting for you in the front hall, even the owner and his wife are here." Qianxue had an expression that said you were ready to die.

Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead and thought for a while: "You guys go first, I'll be there in a while." After speaking, he walked to his room.


In the huge hall, the owner and his wife were sitting on the main seat. The owner still had a calm and gentle face, and there was no other look in his eyes. Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

Everyone sat in the next seat one by one, and there was no one missing. After Yi Shuihan came in, everyone's eyes never left Yi Shuihan.

"This junior has met the owner, the owner's wife." Yi Shuihan had a calm demeanor, as if she wasn't the one being scrutinized.

"You don't need to be too polite, Mr. Yi, please sit down." The owner of the villa said calmly, without any trace of blame or questioning.

"This junior is guilty, so he dare not take his seat. The martial arts sacred object is indeed in the hands of this junior." Yi Shuihan knew that he couldn't escape, and with such a group of people, he just wanted to question her.

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed. Yi Shuihan was so courageous that he even dared to steal the sacred relics of martial arts, but since he stole it, why did he admit it now?

The owner of the villa is still not in the slightest emotion, seems to be in deep thought, seems to be waiting for Yi Shuihan's next words.

"Shuihan, why did you take that thing?" The owner's wife looked surprised, she didn't mean stealing, but taking it.

(End of this chapter)

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