Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 651 The Battle of the Relics 15

Chapter 651 The Battle of the Relics 15
Those who knew that Yi Shuihan was a woman could understand the meaning of these words, and their expressions changed immediately.

Yi Shuihan was slightly startled, the owner actually knew that she was a woman, the owner was the one with discerning eyes.

The most shocking thing here is Rong Yun. He was looking forward to it, but he knew that Shui Han would definitely refuse, and he didn't want to hear Shui Han's cold and decisive words.

"Father, this kind of punishment is inappropriate." Rong Yun's voice was very soft but loud, he didn't say anything else, only said 'inappropriate'.

As soon as these words came out, the hall was silent again.

Yi Shuihan's heart was very complicated, Rong Yun spoke for her, and she owed Rong Yun a favor, she would rather Rong Yun not speak, she directly refused.

The owner of the villa looked at Rong Yun, and there was a sigh in his eyes, but he ignored it, and just continued to ask: "Young Master Yi, what do you think?"

Yi Shuihan heard that she finally knew the owner's purpose, and she also fell into the trap of the owner. The owner didn't care whether he came forward to return the holy cherry fruit, but took the opportunity to ask her and tell him His son Rong Yun listened, if she refused, let Rong Yun let go; if she agreed, Nanlin Villa would accept her.

"The younger generation is a wandering person, so I forgive the younger generation for not agreeing."

Hearing this, Qian Nuo and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They also knew that Shui Han would refuse, but they still felt a little uneasy when they didn't hear the exact answer.

The most disappointed thing here is Rong Yun, she still spoke out.

"I can return it for Mr. Yi." The owner said lightly.

Sure enough, the owner's question just now was just to clarify some hazy things.

Yi Shuihan's heart sank, the owner was also negotiating a deal with her, if the owner helped her to come forward, then she would have nothing to do with Rong Yun in the future, she could have refused, the return of the holy cherry fruit does not necessarily require Nanlin Villa She has other ways to come forward, and the owner of the villa knows this well. The owner just wants to see how she treats Rong Yun. If she agrees, it proves that she has no tolerance for Rong Yun in her heart; if she refuses, it proves that she is reluctant to bear Rong Yun.

However, she didn't know what Rong Yun was in her heart.

There was deep pain in Rong Yun's eyes, and he looked at Yi Shuihan in a daze, would she agree?
"This junior thanked the owner." Yi Shuihan said to the owner without looking at Rong Yun.

The dust has settled.

She agreed.

Rong Yun's face turned pale, his fingertips felt cold, and his whole body was stiff.

The owner's eyes became a bit deeper, and then he looked calm again. He looked at the holy cherry fruit in Yi Shuihan's hand, and said, "It's just that the one in Mr. Yi's hand is not the original holy object of martial arts."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar, only Rong Yun couldn't hear anything, he was only immersed in his own world.

All eyes suddenly stopped on the bright red holy cherry fruit.

"Shuihan, what's going on?" Qianxue was worried, and whispered to Yi Shuihan, even if it was fake, she would stand by Yi Shuihan's side.

Yi Shuihan looked calm and said, "May I ask why the owner of the villa said that?"

"Wulin holy relics are slightly oval and slightly darker in color. Over time, the shape, size, and color may change, but its texture and color spots cannot be changed. The one in Mr. Yi's hand is slightly larger, brighter, and the texture color Madara is not the original martial art relic."

Faced with everyone's probing gazes, Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead. The owner always said that the martial arts sacred objects did not say that the fruit in her hand was not a holy cherry fruit. The owner's memory is so good that even the texture is Remember, like remembering fingerprints.

(End of this chapter)

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