Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 661 The Mystery of Identity 05

Chapter 661 The Mystery of Identity 05
There was guilt in Ling Yiran's eyes, and he said: "Shangguan and I followed the route of exile outside the Great Wall. Two days after the Lin family was exiled, Lin Yaoyu disappeared. Shangguan will continue to search."

Qianxue was a little surprised, the two of them were really guilty, and she couldn't continue to embarrass her: "There is no need to investigate anymore, Yaoyu is fine now."

Now Ling Yiran was surprised, no wonder they couldn't find Lin Yaoyu, she was rescued: "Thank you Miss Qian, I will tell the Shangguan."

"You don't need to thank me, it was Shui Han who saved me."

"Why did Shui Han want to save Lin Yaoyu?" Ling Yiran was even more surprised.

"I don't know, but Shuihan is definitely not showing kindness. I guess Shuihan likes Yaoyu. You also know that she does things according to her preferences and mood. Maybe she felt bored that day." Saying this, Qianxue But I remembered one thing, Lin Daiyu hired a killer to kill them, Shuihan never told her the inside story of this matter, whether Shuihan forgot to tell her, or did not tell her on purpose.

"How is Lin Daiyu?" Qianxue thought for a while before asking.

"I'm not sure, I've been in the General's Mansion, I haven't seen her before."

"Forget it." Qianxue muttered, anyway, now that Lin Daiyu can't threaten her, it's useless to think too much.


Late at night, after everyone fell asleep, Yi Shuihan and Huaying took Lanxin out of Changyi Garden to the back mountain not far away.

Huaying yawned, the chief of the pavilion taught Lan Xin a lesson in the mansion directly, and insisted on unnecessary actions. Could it be that the chief of the pavilion has some evil intentions that he doesn't want people to know?

The surroundings are gloomy, especially when the wind is blowing, the sound of rustling makes one's hair stand on end.

Lan Xin's hands were tied, and her face was forced to pretend that she was neither afraid nor able, and said loudly, "What did you bring me here for?"

"The news that the holy cherry fruit is in my hands is that you let it out." It's not a question, but an affirmative sentence.

"Isn't this the truth?" Lan Xin was even more unwilling. When she found out that Yi Shuihan was still alive, she let the news out, making Yi Shuihan the target of everyone in the martial arts world. But she couldn't think of those so-called martial artists in the martial arts world. The decency of the famous sect is so weak that even Yi Shuihan can't be killed, and the group of trash in Jueshalou didn't even hurt Yi Shuihan.

"Lan Xin, you are quite courageous, why did you kill me? Just because I caught you once?"

Lan Xin was stunned for a moment, then sneered after a long while and said, "I can't understand your arrogant look."

"That's it? I thought you liked Mo Ningxun." There was no doubt in her tone, she was stating a fact. From Lan Xin's hatred and the information about Lan Xin investigated by Huaying Institute, she Already guessed it.

Lan Xin was punctured: "Yi Shuihan, you don't deserve to be valued by the Palace Master. You are too conceited and your heart is too vicious. You are not worthy of the Palace Master. The Palace Master's soul and body are pure. The Palace Master is The most beautiful person in the world, spotless..."

Speaking of this, Lan Xin laughed idiotically, completely immersed in the memory.

Hearing this, Yi Shuihan sneered, Mo Ningxun is the most beautiful person in the world?

Lan Xin was brought back to her senses by Yi Shuihan's laughter, and when she saw the disdain and contempt in Yi Shuihan's eyes, the hatred in her heart grew even worse, and she said bitterly: "Yi Shuihan, you are the one who deserves to be ridiculed the most. Yes! Your soul and body are filthy, people like you should go to hell! Never be reborn! Ugh..."

(End of this chapter)

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