Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 667 The Mystery of Identity 11

Chapter 667 The Mystery of Identity 11
Ling Yiran gave Qian Nuo a cold look, feeling very unhappy in his heart. Was it because of Qian Nuo that Shui Han pushed him away?Qian Nuo chased Shui Han all the way from Ningcheng to this place, so where did the relationship between Shui Han and Qian Nuo go?

Yi Shuihan didn't leave, and it didn't matter if he didn't leave, he could only continue to pretend not to see.

For a moment, the scene froze, no one spoke, and there was an eerie silence.

Ling Yiran looked at her with probing and questioning eyes, and he hoped she would give him an explanation.

Yi Shuihan glared at Ling Yiran, and she wanted to explain to Qian Nuo, who are you? !

Ling Yiran was a little angry, what does Yi Shuihan mean?He and she have...kissed, now that she has accepted him...

"Shuihan, come back to Ningcheng with me."

"Crazy!" Yi Shuihan scolded angrily, then turned around and entered the room, and returned to Ningcheng with him?Which nerve is wrong with him?Even Qian Nuo dared not restrain her.

Neuropathy? !Ling Yiran was too angry to speak, what does Yi Shuihan mean? !Don't plan to go back to Ningcheng with him?
Qian Nuo's whole body was stiff, his fingertips were trembling, and his expression was complicated, with loss, pain, panic, and jealousy. He tried his best to pack up all his emotions and put on his usual coldness.

Ling Yiran hurriedly came to Qian Nuo, and said proudly, "Why is Mr. Qian here?"

The tone seemed to be scolding Qian Nuo for being too uninterested and disturbing other people's good deeds.

"It has nothing to do with you." The tone was freezing to death.

Ling Yiran just sneered, and said proudly: "Shuihan has accepted me." The implication is to ask you to leave Shuihan.

"So what?" The cold look in Qian Nuo's eyes was colder than the icicles on the iceberg, his palms were cold and white, his finger bones were exposed, and his sculpted face showed no emotion.

so what?Ling Yiran frowned, and said coldly: "Are you going to continue pestering Shuihan?"

"Of course." To the end of his death, he and Shui Han already had an inextricable relationship, and they couldn't stop cutting.

"What capacity do you use to stay with Shui Han?" Ling Yiran was furious in his heart, never expecting Qian Nuo to be so determined.

"...It has nothing to do with you." Qian Nuo's heart fell to the bottom. Shui Han never made any promises to him, and he didn't know what he was in Shui Han's heart, but he just didn't want to be discovered by Ling Yiran, so he could only so.

The two of you said one sentence to another, and it became more and more fierce, the noise of the dispute became louder, and the anger also rose accordingly, almost to the point of fighting.

Yi Shuihan was a little sleepy at first, because she didn't feel sleepy at all just now, she just kissed the rabbit by accident just now, it's nothing, the most damning thing is that Qian Nuo caught her.

It's useless to think too much, anyway, after Fengying Xueying returns, she will set off for Xiyue Tianshui, and let them live or die!
Yi Shuihan was about to go to bed, when he heard the sound of fighting outside, he opened the door immediately, and was angry when he saw it, Ling Yiran and Qian Nuo actually fought? !
The two fought harder and harder, as if they wished to crush each other into ashes. After fighting for a long time, both of them had minor injuries of varying degrees, and neither of them had weapons in their hands. If they had weapons, the injuries would have been more serious.

The more Yi Shuihan watched, the more angry he became, and shouted: "If you want to fight, get out of here! Don't disturb me to sleep!"

When the two heard this, they immediately stopped, they thought that Shui Han would try to persuade them to fight, but they didn't expect to tell them to go away and fight, it was really heartbreaking.

(End of this chapter)

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