Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 684: Martial Arts Alliance 08

Chapter 684: Martial Arts Alliance 08
After the three of them finished eating, the proprietress made a pack of beef and steamed buns, and said with a smile, "Miss Lin, you can take these back and eat them, they won't be sold out today."

"Aunt Li, there's no need, I'm already full." Lin Meng shy away shyly.

Seeing this, Aunt Li's husband quickly said: "Miss Lin, just take it, my wife has been thinking about you for a few days."

"Ms. Lin, take it. Thank you for helping me drive away those bullies last time, otherwise my shop would be gone." Aunt Li handed it to Lin Meng without any explanation.

"Aunt Li, you have thanked me many times." Lin Meng quickly shirked.

Aunt Li was a little anxious: "Miss Lin, just take it, it's a waste if I can't sell it all."

Qianxue got up to take the food bag for Lin Meng, and said with a smile, "Aunt Li, I'll take it for Lin Meng, but I might steal it."

Aunt Li chuckled: "Just as long as the girl likes to eat, I will come here more with Miss Lin in the future."

Qianxue said with some regret: "We only stay here for a few days, if we are free, we will eat at Aunt Li's place for a few days."

"Okay, okay, I'm waiting for you to come." Aunt Li said happily.

"Then let's go first." Qianxue waved her hand.

Huaying took out a silver ticket and put it on the table, saying, "Aunt Li, let's go first."

When Aunt Li saw the banknote, she was very frightened. The banknote was more than enough to buy several shops, so she quickly shied away: "No, no, take the money back. I'm very happy that you and Miss Lin can come."

Qian Xue said: "Aunt Li, don't shirk it, this is the prepayment for the meals we have come to you for the past few days."

Aunt Li was a little embarrassed: "That doesn't need so many, there are too many, and I can't find them."

Qian Xue said: "Aunt Li, you don't know now, this guy Huaying's family is very rich, in the future when he eats at your place, you can just increase the price by ten times, and I often blackmail this guy, Aunt Li You mustn't be rude to him."

Aunt Li repeatedly shied away, but Qianxue persevered before she persuaded Aunt Li to accept the banknote. The three of them said goodbye to Aunt Li before leaving.

When going back along the way, Qianxue couldn't bear it, and opened the food bag, took out a piece of beef and stuffed it into her mouth to satisfy her craving.

"Lin Meng, the boss and the proprietress seem to like you very much, do you often come here to eat?" Qianxue saw that the proprietress was very kind to Lin Meng.

"It's not often. Sometimes I come here to drink a bowl of tea when I come to the Wulin League for business." Lin Meng said.

The three chatted while walking, and came to rest under the shade of a tree by the side of the road, discussing big plans, how to play tricks on Qin Jiaojiao, first, Lin Meng will take Qianxue into the Martial Arts League tomorrow, and then find the route that Qin Jiaojiao often takes, and set up traps , let Qin Jiaojiao make a fool of herself.

Huayinggui has a lot of ideas, and the plan is also feasible.

"Hee hee, Qin Jiaojiao, eat bananas." Qianxue smiled sinisterly, took a branch and drew circles to curse Qin Jiaojiao.

"Qin Jiaojiao, what do you mean by eating bananas?" Lin Meng asked suspiciously, probably not in a good way.

"Hee hee, Lin Meng, if you have someone you hate, just tell him to eat bananas. You have to learn how to draw circles and curse him. It's very refreshing. If you don't believe me, try it." Qianxue said.

Lin Meng found it interesting, but she would not do such childish things.

"Qianxue, who taught you to curse others like this?" Huaying has never heard of it, only the curse method of beating villains.

"I thought about it myself." Qianxue smiled.

Huaying rolled her eyes, instantly disbelieving in this curse method.

(End of this chapter)

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