Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 699 Journey to Tianshui 04

Chapter 699 Journey to Tianshui 04
"Why? Why? I don't even understand." Qianxue kept asking why, how happy it is for someone to give up everything for you.

She once imagined that Shangguan Yan would give up something for her, but neither she nor Shangguan Yan could give up something for each other, it could only prove that they love these things more than each other.

"Shuihan, you obviously don't need to do anything to get it, why don't you accept it?" She couldn't understand what Yi Shuihan's brain was made of, what his heart was made of, and there were always inexplicable reasons.

Yi Shuihan didn't say anything, that's why I don't accept it. As for the reason, she can't explain clearly, maybe it's subconscious resistance.

"Shuihan, don't you feel a little bit reluctant?"

"So what if you don't want to part with it? That's the result. This is the best solution to avoid disadvantages." She really likes Qian Nuo, but she has something she likes more, or has more important things, and Qian Nuo also has it, so there is nothing to be reluctant about. of.

"Huh?" What's the answer?Qianxue was depressed: "Shuihan, don't you miss someone?"

"Miss someone? Why? Is there something urgent?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No, there is nothing. I just want to see someone very much for no reason, and I have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Since it's fine, what do you want to do here?" Yi Shuihan felt that this was just asking for trouble.

"I miss something, that's not called missing, but just thinking about a solution to the problem. To put it bluntly, it's just a strategy, and it has nothing to do with missing..." Qianxue was angry and helpless, and Yi Shuihan even I don't know what it feels like to miss.

"Don't dwell on this unconstructive question and leave first."

"How could it not be constructive?" Qianxue was so anxious that she was at a loss as to how to make Yi Shuihan change her mind. Once Yi Shuihan made a decision, no one could change it.

Just as they were about to leave the gate of the inn, people from the Rong family came in suddenly. The owner, his wife, Rong Rong, and a large group of Nanlin Villa's guards had a huge lineup, but Rong Yun was not there.

Yi Shuihan and the others had to stop, the reason for the Rong family's visit was unclear, and they looked serious, even the owner's wife, who always liked to laugh, also looked solemn.

"I've met the owner, Mrs. Owner." Yi Shuihan and Qian Xue said politely.

The owner and his wife just looked at Yi Shuihan seriously, as if they were looking at something.

Qianxue felt a little nervous, she pulled Rong Rong aside and asked what happened.

Rong Rong glanced at Yi Shuihan: "Is Yi Shuihan a woman?" It was not a question, but an affirmative sentence.

Qianxue was a little surprised, everyone in the Rong family knew about it, nodded and said: "Yes, what's the problem?"

She and Yi Shuihan were about to leave, it didn't matter to Rong Rong whether Yi Shuihan was a woman or not.

Rong Rong: "She will soon become my third sister-in-law."

"What? Impossible, what happened?" Qian Xue couldn't be more surprised, the people from the Rong family came to force the marriage? ?Why forced marriage?

Rong Rong also felt that it was a little impossible. She never thought that the first marriage between the four siblings would be the third brother.

The owner's wife walked over and held Yi Shuihan's hand, a little solemn and a little loving: "Miss Yi, you must marry my third son."

Qian Nuo looked at Yi Shuihan nervously, he couldn't accept the series of changes all of a sudden.

Cheng Bi hooked his lips with a half-smile, of course, he knew that Yi Shuihan would never agree.

Yi Shuihan was stunned, and immediately withdrew his hand: "Impossible."

The owner's wife was not happy when she heard it: "Miss Yi, our Rong family will never treat you badly. You and my third son have already..."

"It was an accident, and no matter what the reason is, it's impossible. The junior has urgent matters, so I'll leave first." Yi Shuihan's expression turned cold, and he immediately interrupted the owner's wife.

The owner's wife's expression became serious, and she waved her hand to signal the guards to stop them. More than a dozen guards blocked the way of Yi Shuihan and others.

Yi Shuihan frowned, she didn't want to fight against Nanlin Villa, so there must be a feasible solution: "Major, what does this mean?"

The owner's wife reiterated: "Miss Yi, you can only marry my third son."

"How do you let me go?" She didn't want to talk nonsense.

"If you must leave, you have to go through my second elder first." The owner's wife said sharply.

"Madam owner, please tell me." She couldn't confront Nanlin Villa head-on, so she could only accept the conditions.

"There are two rounds of competition. If you win my second elder, you can leave. The Rong family will not make it difficult for you, but as long as you lose one round, you will marry my third son."

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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