Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 703 Journey to Tianshui 08

Chapter 703 Journey to Tianshui 08
Wushang smiled: "I can't help but love, I've known Shuihan for nine years, I thought there was no possibility for us to meet again, maybe God favored me, we met."

Nine years, Rong Rong was startled, it turned out that she had already lost to this nine years, she smiled bitterly: "Nine years, it's really long."

"It's very long, but it took less than a month from the first meeting to the parting with her." Only that June.

Rong Rong was surprised, she was really curious about what happened in that one month, which could make a person wait tirelessly for nine years, a time she couldn't run out of, if Yi Shuihan hadn't appeared yet, would Master Wushang still be there? Continue to wait?
"Young Master Wushang, I want to hear your story, can I?"

"...At that time, Shuihan was only 15 years old, she was already very outstanding, and I was suffering from an incurable disease, and walking two steps faster might kill me. She came to kill me, but every time When I was in danger, she always stood in front of me, facing all the bullets, and killed all the people who came to kill me. I asked her why, and she said: 'Your life is mine'. So, I put My life is in her hands."

Rong Rong felt bitter in her heart, but it was more shocking. This story was very short, but she guessed that what happened in that month was not only that, there might be more dangerous, more profound, life-and-death events, There is nothing more shocking and moving than something that can be offset by life.

In the end, she decided to go back to Nanlin Villa. What she heard today was out of her reach. What she lost was not time, but she couldn't tell what it was.


Soon after Yi Shuihan left, Chengbi left, but did not say where he was going.

Qian Nuo was extremely panicked, he was afraid that Shui Han would just leave like this.

"Seventh Brother, don't worry, we're going to Tianshui Kingdom to join Shuihan now." Qianxue said, Yi Shuihan refused to let Qiannuo go, but she wanted to. Although the trick of stalking is vulgar, it is practical.

"Okay, then let's go quickly." Qian Nuo wanted to leave immediately.

"Don't rush, don't rush, Shuihan asked us to slow down, she must have a reason for her order, let's go slowly." There is absolutely no mistake in listening to Yi Shuihan.

Qian Nuo disagreed. He thought that Shui Han was in such a hurry to go to Tianshui Kingdom, there must be something extremely urgent, and he asked Qian Xue to slow down. He even wanted to rush to Tianshui Kingdom.

Fengying said: "Master has a special status in Tianshui Kingdom, so he can't reveal his whereabouts for the time being, just slow down and go."

The worry in Qian Nuo's eyes became even worse. Seeing this, Qian Xue couldn't help but tell Qian Nuo Yi Shuihan's identity in Tianshui Kingdom. If Yi Shuihan scolded her, he could scold her. Anyway, Qian Nuo would know sooner or later. .

Qian Nuo was very shocked. After learning about it, he couldn't help but send someone to check the information about Shui Han, the seventh emperor of Tianshui Kingdom. After receiving the information, he was even more shocked.

Huaying has been sending someone to follow Chengbi, but after only a day, he lost it. Chengbi disappeared suddenly, which made him a little worried.


Five days later, on the sea, a luxurious ship was advancing in the endless sea, and the direction was Xiyue Tianshui.

The most gorgeous room in the cabin, with resplendent decorations, a large carved bed covered with white fox fur, and even every teacup is extremely exquisite.

(End of this chapter)

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