Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 705 Journey to Tianshui 11

Chapter 705 Journey to Tianshui 11
He came alone, with a calm face and no emotion, and said a few words to the guards, and all the guards retreated.

Yi Shuihan glanced at the visitor, Chengbi is a gorgeous poppy, the venom is hidden very deeply, under the gorgeous appearance.

"Do you hate my betrayal?" He said slowly, his voice very soft.

Yi Shuihan smiled: "You have never surrendered to me, how could you betray me?"

Chengbi's expression was even more indifferent, so pale that it was almost stiff, her slender eyelashes covered the expression in her eyes, after a while, she said again: "Do you hate my deception?"

Yi Shuihan still smiled: "I never believed you, how can I deceive you?"

Chengbi didn't speak again, the golden eyes were a little sad, he finally took a look at her, and then left, his steps were always so light, but at this moment they were extremely heavy.

After a while, the maid replaced the cold tea, and the tea was fragrant and hot.

Yi Shuihan picked up the teacup and tasted it slowly, unexpectedly she would be in a cage when she tasted the tea attentively.

After a while, she felt that her physical strength returned, and her body was no longer limp. Doubt flashed in her eyes, tea, this tea is the antidote.

Why did Chengbi give her the antidote?


By the next day, Yi Shuihan's physical strength had fully recovered, and she couldn't sleep at night, and felt more and more uneasy, always feeling that something was about to happen.

The moon was already in the middle of the sky, and it was already past the early morning, and the wind was blowing in the mountains, and the black tree shadows stretched their teeth and claws.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the whole mountain was plunged into darkness.

It is estimated that it is already three o'clock in the morning, and Yi Shuihan is becoming more and more irritable. Her perception is very strong, and she can't do anything while being stared at by several maids in turn.

Suddenly, there was the sound of fighting, the smell of blood, and the sound of sharp weapons stabbing into flesh and blood.

The guards and maids drew their swords one after another, some stayed behind to guard Yi Shuihan, and some went out to check.

someone coming?A cold light flashed in Yi Shuihan's eyes, and he shattered the teapot and cup, and several pieces flew out, hitting the throats of the guards and maids.

Ah, a few people fell down with a muffled grunt, their necks bleeding profusely.

"Be careful, don't let her escape!" The maid shouted.

With a bang, the throat of the speaking maid had been cut.

The rest of the people did not dare to approach the prison, and surrounded the prison with swords in their hands.

"There is no key that can't open this prison, you guys go out and see who is coming." The leading maid in black commanded.

Half of them quickly left the dungeon.

Yi Shuihan secretly thought something was wrong, no matter why the visitor came, once the visitor was killed, she would not be able to escape.

Everything that could be used as darts in the prison was used by Yi Shuihan, and all the teacups, vases and fruit plates were broken.

The maids all hid behind the pillars, secretly frightened, but could not kill her.

Yi Shuihan tried to pick the lock for a long time but failed to do so. The lock was too tricky, and she was in a hurry at this moment.

A man in black rushed in. He was wearing a black cloak and a wide hat covered half of his face, and the cold sword in his hand was still dripping with blood.

The maids raised their swords and fought the man in black, and Yi Shuihan took advantage of this to throw out the fragments to kill.

After a while, the guards and maids died and fled, and there were many dead and injured in the huge dungeon.

The man in black took out the key and opened the prison.

Yi Shuihan and him were speechless all the way, and quickly left the dungeon, out of the dilapidated house, the moonlight was clearly visible in the yard, and the shadows of the trees were dancing.

(End of this chapter)

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