Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 712 Journey to Tianshui 20

Chapter 712 Journey to Tianshui 20
Chengbi turned her head and looked at her coldly: "Let go!"

Yi Shuihan didn't let go, but gripped even tighter, causing some pain in his hand: "Don't leave." In an unquestionable tone.

"It's really affectionate, but it's a pity that your good days are over." Shui Lian's eyes were full of cruelty, and he sneered.

"Shuilian, are you flattering yourself too much?" Yi Shuihan smiled, she didn't know the martial arts of these women in black, but it was not difficult to escape.

Shui Lian smiled contemptuously, looked at Cheng Bi and said, "Cheng Bi, as long as you come back to me, I will let the past go."

"Yes." Chengbi's eyes drooped slightly, and she struggled to free herself from her hand.

"Don't go!" Yi Shuihan's eyes were full of sternness, and his slender hands had already grabbed his neck: "Otherwise, I will kill you."

Chengbi smiled, met her furious eyes: "Then you do it."

The strength of Yi Shuihan's hands deepened a little, and his nails almost scratched his skin.

Shui Lian chuckled twice: "Cheng Bi, you really are not afraid of death. Shui Han, what I hate the most is when people rob me, and you can also rob my man?"

Hearing this, Cheng Bi trembled slightly, her face turned pale, and a chill spread all over her body.

Seeing that his face was pale, Yi Shuihan immediately let go of his hand, but she pinched him too tightly, there was her handprint on his neck, so she grabbed his wrist instead.

Shui Lian said: "If you insist on robbing my man, then he only has two days to live."

"What do you mean?" Yi Shuihan's face turned cold, two days?Chengbi asked her to stay for five days before, but later changed it to three days, so Chengbi's original intention was to leave in five days, and she never thought of leaving with her.

Shui Lian smiled arrogantly, and gave the cloaked woman behind her a wink.

The woman in the cloak nodded, took out a small pot and hung it on the wooden stick, clasped the stick with both hands, and the hat covered her face, making it impossible to see what she was doing.

Yi Shuihan frowned, feeling that Chengbi's hands were getting colder and trembling slightly.

Cheng Bi's face was pale, her lips were purple, her blood was disordered, her whole body was cold, and she tried her best to endure it.

"Tell her to stop!" Yi Shuihan said angrily, it was the woman in the cloak who was doing the trick.

The aura around the cloaked woman became even colder, and she didn't stop until Cheng Bi vomited blood.

Yi Shuihan felt Chengbi's pulse, he should not be poisoned, and from the past few days of observation, Chengbi doesn't look like a poisoned person.

Shui Lian said: "If the poison has not been forced out after two days, he will die."

Yi Shuihan squeezed his hand slightly, two days?Now it seems that the so-called Gu poison was manipulated by the woman in the cloak, and it would be very difficult to get the woman in the cloak within two days, and she couldn't afford the risk. willing to solve...

"What conditions can detoxify Gu poison?" Yi Shuihan calmed down, Shui Lian did this for nothing but to get something.

Shui Lian looked at the woman in the cloak, who understood, flicked her finger, and a white object flew towards Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan took it, clamped it between two fingers, it was very beautiful, like a bead, and frowned, "What is this?" What kind of poison is it, definitely not an antidote.

Shui Lian said: "As long as you eat it, you will detoxify Cheng Bi."

"No." Cheng Bi immediately went to grab the medicine in Yi Shuihan's hand.

"Shut up!" Yi Shuihan yelled angrily, shifted his hand away from Chengbi's hand, how dare he hide it from her?Take care of him later!

(End of this chapter)

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