Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 722 Ice City Palace 10

Chapter 722 Ice City Palace 10
"No, no, I'm afraid you might mind." Yi Shuihan said hastily, she knew Chengbi was very sensitive, and always twisted her meaning.

"Hmph, if I mind, would you divorce them?" The anger subsided a little.

"This, I can't." This is marriage, and if it is not done well, it is bondage.

"Since it can't, then what's the use of my mind?" He didn't expect her to take it easy, as long as there were no more men in the backyard, he would bear it. Moreover, he admitted that he was one step behind Qian Nuorong, he was considered a latecomer.

Yi Shuihan looked at him intently, she had another husband, who was still very attractive, but she was not in the mood to eat now, probably because she didn't dare to eat, they were her husband, not just random men.

"What are you looking at me for?" Cheng Bi glared at her.

"Could it be that I don't think my future husband can do it?"

Chengbi's face was embarrassed, but these words made his anger just disappear.

Yi Shuihan was still looking at him, it turned out that Chengbi was also shy, so she was very attractive and delicious.


After a few days, Yi Shuihan had time to meet Fengying and the others, and by the way, threw the master of ceremonies to Fengying.

"When Shui Wu learned that the Pavilion Master had returned, he executed all the people who were sent to Beiming Kingdom to assassinate the Pavilion Master. As for Shui Lian, there was no movement yet."

"Shui Mist is nothing to be afraid of. Keep an eye on Shui Lian. There is a woman in a black cloak next to Shui Lian. Be careful with her, she is a bit weird."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

"Fengying Xueying, go and transfer the power of Beiming Kingdom to Tianshui Kingdom as much as possible, do it secretly, do it slowly, there is no rush."

"Yes, Pavilion Master." The three of them replied, and looked at Yi Shuihan with some doubts. They couldn't figure out what the Pavilion Master meant. Although as subordinates, they should not try to figure out the Pavilion Master's thoughts, but this time It matters.

"I don't have that ambition, it's just that Shui Lian offended me, and I'm just very upset. In the future, if you have any questions, just ask directly."

"Yes, Pavilion Master." The three nodded.

"Pavilion Master, there is one more thing. Baili Wushang has returned to Donglin Kingdom, but his identity has not been made public, and he is privately curing the cold disease for the emperor of Donglin Kingdom."

"My subordinates are worried about one thing. The Donglin Kingdom is a military powerhouse, and it has always been ready to move. A few years ago, the Donglin King intended to rule the world, but he stopped because of the cold disease. If the cold disease is cured, I'm afraid... ..."

Yi Shuihan frowned, she didn't want to live in troubled times, and Donglin Kingdom was about to go to war, and she had no choice but to ask, "How is the situation in the four kingdoms?"

"It is adjacent to Beiming in the east, and adjacent to Tianshui in the west. There is little contact between the patriarchal country and the feminist country. All countries want to dominate the world. You have already seen the master Ling Xiaoran of Beiming country. The ambitions of Donglin, Beiming, and Xiyue should not be underestimated, and in terms of ambition, the least ambitious is Tianshui Kingdom." Huaying glanced at Yi Shuihan, Tianshui Kingdom is in danger.

"If Donglin Country wants to go to war, who will be the first to attack?" She was worried that Tianshui Country would become cannon fodder, so let's go to war if it starts, as long as it doesn't harm her.

"Donglin Kingdom is the closest to Beiming Kingdom, and it is convenient to fight. However, the monarch of Donglin Kingdom is very conceited. He has always hated the feminist country and believes in the respect of men. Donglin Kingdom is in the east, Tianshui Kingdom is in the south, and Donglin Kingdom is the second closest. It is Tianshui Kingdom, Xiyue Kingdom is ready to move, and Tianshui Kingdom has been relatively quiet in the past few years, so it is likely that Donglin Kingdom will be the first to attack Tianshui Kingdom, Pavilion Master, you should be worried."

(End of this chapter)

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