Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 726 Ice City Palace 14

Chapter 726 Ice City Palace 14
At night, when Yi Shuihan was about to go to bed, a servant came to inform him that it was Mr. Cheng who invited His Highness to come over.

Yi Shuihan had no choice but to put back on his clothes and go to Chengbi's courtyard. He didn't say anything just now, and insisted on waiting until midnight.

Yi Shuihan: "What can you do with me?"

"Can I come to you if I have nothing to do?" Chengbi glanced at her, remembering what King Xiang told him today, she couldn't help feeling nervous. She came to him these days, but she never stayed overnight, causing him to mistakenly think that she was with other people. Staying overnight, it wasn't until today that King Xiang mentioned that she hadn't been to anyone's place for the night, and he was relieved.

Yi Shuihan yawned and looked at him intently, meaning in his eyes: I'll leave if you don't say anything.

Chengbi was angry and nervous, how could he say it, this dead woman lost her memory once and even lost her lust?

"What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan asked again.

"...Stay here tonight." Chengbi said calmly, no one knew how nervous he was.

Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, the words were too tempting, suddenly remembered what his father said today, probably ordered by his father.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, Cheng Bi couldn't help feeling a sharp pain in her heart, and said with a blank expression: "You go back." After speaking, he got up and went back to the room, his skin is not that thick.

Yi Shuihan immediately chased after her, looking like a ruffian: "Are you angry? Don't be angry, I just didn't expect you to be so generous."

Chengbi's anger subsided a bit, and she snorted coldly: "I was stingy before?"

"Extremely stingy, I remember that time you seduced me on the street to go to Peach Blossom House, and then you seduced me and pointed a dagger at my abdomen. I didn't even get a kiss, but you actually asked me to pay for it. They kicked me out only when I was broke."

How could he seduce her? !The more Chengbi listened, the more angry she became. When she reached the door of the room, she quickly went in and closed the door to prevent her from entering.

"Hey, don't be angry." Yi Shuihan stretched his hand in, and if Chengbi wanted to close the door, her hand would be caught.

"Take your hand!"

"Okay." As soon as the words finished, Yi Shuihan had already opened one side of the door and entered.

Chengbi glanced at her angrily, she was always so cunning, what she said was always opposite to what she did.

Yi Shuihan closed the door quite helplessly. Chengbi was petty, awkward, sensitive, cold, and arrogant, which reminded her of an animal, the white peacock. Since when has she ever flattered a man like this? !Knowing that she wants to please even the cheapest, she is really crazy!

"Sleep, I'm sleepy." She pretended to be strong, and she couldn't let Chengbi step on her head!

"I don't want to sleep yet, you can go back if you don't like it!" Cheng Bi said calmly.

"You invited me here, and now you let me go, what do you mean?"

"You can choose not to come, and I didn't force you to come!" Cheng Bi was angry and angry, saying that he was like a boudoir resenting her husband!
"If you don't want me to come, why did you invite me?"

"The legs are on your body, you can walk now!" Cheng Bi was so angry that she almost smashed something to vent.

"Oh, I've surrendered, don't be angry." Yi Shuihan was the first to lose, otherwise he would quarrel until dawn. Let's see how generous she is, when has she been so generous to a man.

"I'm not angry!" He said it as if he was making trouble for no reason!

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, isn't that called anger?But the tone of her mouth is absolutely gentle: "Just treat it as sleeping with me."

Do not speak, be silent.

(End of this chapter)

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