Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 728 Ice City Palace 16

Chapter 728 Ice City Palace 16
After cursing, Qian Renxue's rationality also came back, the wars were started by the superiors, they were ambitious and belligerent, it was useless for her to scold.

"The water is cold, so what should we do? Shall we find a place to hide?"

"Avoid? If you let me, the queen of a country, hide, you're not worthless."

When Qianxue heard this, she had a bitter face, this is the price of being an imperial daughter, and now she is a little annoyed that Yi Shuihan is an imperial daughter.

"Don't be like this, actually I'm not worried about this." Yi Shuihan patted Qianxue, and the war started, what's the matter with her?

"Then what are you worried about?" Qian Xue also became worried.

"Don't forget, you, Qian Nuo, and Rong Jun are all from Beiming Kingdom." Also, she was worried that she would also participate in this war.

"Eh? I'm an internationalist, not from Beiming Kingdom. You must not drive me away. As for Qiannuo and Rongjun..." Qianxue cast an ambiguous look: "They are your husbands, what's the matter?" You better be honest with them and don't go your own way or you'll hurt them, good luck."

Yi Shuihan rubbed her forehead, she just didn't know what to say, raised her head and sighed, when did she become so hypocritical.


At night, when Yi Shuihan was about to go to bed, a servant came to inform that it was Young Master Qian who asked His Highness to come over.

Yi Shuihan rubbed his nose, probably it was his father's instruction again, what method would Qian Nuo use to seduce her?It's hard to imagine Qian Nuo seducing her.

Standing at the door, the scene was exactly the same as standing at the door of his yard in the Qianjia mansion, still dressed in black, but at this moment, his eyes were full of undisguised tenderness, facing her, he no longer hid his feelings.

Yi Shuihan walked over, Qian Nuo's expression was already very tempting: "Qian Nuo, I have something to tell you, go into the house."

She smiled, and this smile was enough to fascinate Qian Nuo.

There were rippling waves in Qian Nuo's heart. Shui Han often laughed, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. At this time, her smile overflowed from her eyes, which was so beautiful that it made one's heart fascinated.

"Shui Han, what do you want to tell me?" Qian Nuo looked at her, which seemed to be a habitual look, as long as she was around, he couldn't help looking at her.

"Well, Qian Nuo, what do you think of me? Tell the truth."

"Which area are you referring to?" Qian Nuo was puzzled.

"Everything is fine, tell me everything you know about me."

"When I first met you, I thought you were shameless, rascal, and treacherous. After getting along slowly, I felt that you were very courageous and smart. After that, you were very courageous, beautiful, and gentle..." Qian Nuo Tell me all about the changes you've made since you met her.

"Afterwards, Qianxue told me that you were the Seventh Princess of Tianshui Kingdom, so I asked someone to check your identity, and it turned out..." Speaking of this, Qian Nuo looked at her with full eyes, a little sad, is it true? of?
"Probably true." Yi Shuihan smiled.

"All those servants in the backyard were yours?" Even more sad, and a little angry.

"It's not me, Yi Shuihan, Qian Nuo. In fact, I lost my memory after I arrived in Beiming Kingdom. I forgot all the things in the past. As for the reason for the memory loss, I probably hit my head. Just pretend that I died once and was reborn again." .”

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qian Nuo blamed.

"You didn't ask me." Yi Shuihan said pretending to be innocent.

Qiannuo was annoyed, how could he ask such a question, suddenly, he remembered something, could it be that Shuihan had forgotten Wushang because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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