Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 739 The War Begins 07

Chapter 739 The War Begins 07
"What?" The three exclaimed in surprise, going on an expedition?Compared with the matter of marrying Prince Xiyue, this matter seems insignificant to Prince Xiyue.

"There's no need for such a big reaction." Yi Shuihan waved his hand mentally, she didn't want to, Shui Lian dragged her into the water, and if something happened to Shui Luo, it would be even worse for her, so Shui Luo had better not go.

"Can you refuse?" Rong Yun asked calmly.

"I recommended it myself." Yi Shuihan's usual aura weakened a little at this moment.

"What?!" The three were shocked again, they wanted to scold Yi Shuihan, and even beat her.

"Don't be angry, I have a reason. Shui Luo said that she wants to conscript herself. If something happens to her, she will ask me to succeed her. You don't want to, do you?"

The three were silent, of course they didn't want to.

Qian Nuo said: "Can't someone else go? You promised not to care about these things."

"No, I have to go." Yi Shuihan said, if Shui Lian really gains power, she will be the first to suffer after Shui Lian returns.

"Okay then, when will we go?" Rong Yun said.

"Just these few days." Yi Shuihan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was still easy for Rong Yun to talk.

"Since it's unavoidable, let's go." Cheng Biyun said lightly.

Yi Shuihan was a little surprised, even Chengbi was so talkative?Good thing, good thing, "War is not something that happens all at once, what are your plans?"

The three of them looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, what are their plans?
Yi Shuihan thought for a while: "This is Tianshui Kingdom, Rongyun and Qiannuo, you'd better not run around, this is your enemy country, as for Chengbi..."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? Leave us here?" Chengbi raised her eyebrows, looked at Yi Shuihan, and asked why.

"You don't want to go with me, do you?" Yi Shuihan had a bad feeling.

"Nonsense!" The three of you looked like you were an idiot.

I pour!No wonder they are so talkative!

"No! Qian Nuo, Rong Jun, I'm taking it easy not to let you go back to Beiming Kingdom!" Yi Shuihan said sternly, Qian Nuo and Rong Jun are from Beiming Kingdom, they will be the target of public criticism.

"We will hide our identities and never interfere," Qian Nuo said.

"No way! This matter is not negotiable!" Yi Shuihan clapped the case.

"Then I can do it anyway." Chengbi was a little thankful that he is a native.

"You can't! And I want to restrict your freedom, you are not allowed to leave Xiangwang's mansion!" Yi Shuihan glanced at Chengbi and warned, if Shui Lian found out that Chengbi was also accompanying him, he would definitely not let Chengbi go , Shui Lian could not tolerate the person who betrayed her alive.

"Why?" Chengbi said angrily, instead of restricting the freedom of Rong Yun and Qian Nuo, but restricting him? !Don't think about it!

"You just need to know the result, protest is invalid." Yi Shuihan said.

"I won't compromise unless you give me a reason," Cheng Bi said.

Yi Shuihan was silent for a while, then said lightly: "Shui Lian is the lieutenant general, she will not let you go."

Hearing this, Chengbi turned pale and did not speak.

Qian Nuo said: "Shuihan, I don't think the reason you gave me is valid."

Yi Shuihan said: "You said just now that you would never interfere, so what's the difference between going and not going?"

Rong Yun said: "What we don't intervene is the war between the two countries, but, Shui Han, you are our wife after you get rid of the roles of princess and war participant."

Rong Yun spoke very seriously, without any embarrassment, but Yi Shuihan was very embarrassed to hear it, this was the most disgusting love talk she had ever heard.

(End of this chapter)

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