Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 750 The War Begins 18

Chapter 750 The War Begins 18
In the mountain forest, all 24 people escaped from danger, all of them were ashamed, nine were slightly injured, and two were seriously injured, supporting each other.

He left here quickly, and didn't stop to rest until he was twenty miles away from the enemy.

Once rested, the injured fell to the snow.

"How are the injuries of the two of them?" Yi Shuihan asked with a frown seeing that the seriously injured two were unconscious.

"One person was burned, and the other was stabbed. The situation is not optimistic. If we act forcefully, the wound will only be torn." Xueying said while helping to bandage the wound.

"Yingyi, cut down trees to make stretchers, and those who were not injured took off their cotton coats." Yi Shuihan was the first to take off his coat.

"Yes, Your Highness." The few people who were not injured immediately cut down trees and tore up their clothes to make cushions.

Suddenly, several black spots appeared in front of them, and everyone immediately crawled to the icy snow to check vigilantly.

Yi Shuihan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Get up, it's General Ye."

Ye Caizhu was fidgeting in the camp, and finally decided to bring someone to support.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" Ye Caizhu was a little shocked to see that there was no one missing.

"General Ye, why didn't you ask us if our operation was successful?" Yi Shuihan smiled.

Ye Caizhu laughed loudly: "Even if it fails, it won't help, but listening to your Highness, it must have succeeded."

The people brought by Ye Caizhu hurried forward to treat the wounded, and those who could not move were carried on stretchers. After the group returned to the Cangcheng military camp, it was already light.

Before Yi Shuihan had time to rest, after changing his clothes, he was called to the conference hall for discussion.

Shui Lian glanced at Yi Shuihan with a half-smile, and actually let Shuihan succeed. It seems that Shuihan's strength is not weak.

Nie Feng said: "There are two important gates in Cangcheng. One is the Cangshan Gorge where our army is stationed now. It is blocked by related mountains and the terrain is dangerous. One man guards the gate and ten thousand people cannot open it. It is difficult for the enemy to attack; the other is the gate of the city. , The city tower is made of huge stones, in an arc shape, with strong defense capabilities, and it is easy to encircle the enemy army."

Shui Lian said: "Sooner or later, our army will attack, drive the enemy out of the country, and take advantage of the current terrain to severely defeat the enemy."

Bai Mian said: "Presumably the enemy also guessed that our army would do this, so the enemy must avoid the important and take the light. Now that most of the enemy's food and grass have been burned, the enemy has only two choices. Cangcheng, the second is to wait for the food and grass to arrive, and slowly capture it, which choice do you think the enemy will make?"

Nie Feng frowned: "The general thought that the enemy army would fight quickly. Now that the Xiyue army has not arrived, our army is short of soldiers and horses. It is the weakest time. The enemy army must have seen this point."

Bai Mian said: "I also agree with what General Nie said. The leader of the Donglin army is Baili Wufeng, the third prince of the Donglin Kingdom. This man is a character. He has swept away the small countries around the Donglin Kingdom in the past few years, and he is invincible."

Shui Lian said: "How does this Bailiwufeng compare with Shangguanyan in Beiming Kingdom?"

Bai Mian said: "If Baili Wufeng is strong and domineering, then this Shangguan Yan is calm and introverted. Although he has no record, he is still a formidable character. All the subjects of Beiming Kingdom praise him, which shows that he is not a prodigal. The Ninth Prince Ling Yiran of Beiming Kingdom is also there, and this battle is not easy to fight."

Nie Feng said: "No matter what, what our army has to do now is to do our best to defend. We will first pile up boulders on both sides of the mountain, prepare archers and fireballs, and be ready to fight at any time."

At this point in the discussion, everyone went down to direct the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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