Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 752 The War Begins 20

Chapter 752 The War Begins 20
To the east of Beiming Army Camp, half of the food and grass were burned by the enemy last night. Fortunately, the fire was put out quickly, otherwise they would be hungry now.

In the tent, the influential figures of the two countries are discussing.

Baili Wufeng is Donglin's chief general, and more likely Donglin's future monarch. His iron-blooded wrists make people fearful, and he is full of awe-inspiring domineering aura, without anger and prestige.

"It actually allowed the people of Tianshui Kingdom to succeed, and they didn't even catch a single person." Baili Wufeng seemed to be mocking himself, but at the same time seemed to be questioning.

The generals and military divisions of Donglin Kingdom did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief. The Third Prince has never been defeated. He has always been the only one who attacked the enemy by surprise. When has he been attacked by the enemy.

Shangguan Yan just frowned, Baili Wufeng was right, the alliance of their two countries was burned at the same time, this is not only a matter of carelessness, but also a matter of strength.

There was only one person sipping tea leisurely in the corner, his expression was indifferent, he didn't say a word, as if he couldn't hear the voice of everyone discussing, his attire was still simple, but it didn't compromise his elegance in the slightest.

Baili Wufeng: "What general did Tianshui send?"

Military Master Yan Hu said: "Nie Feng, the famous general of Tianshui Kingdom, has numerous battles and has great experience in battle; there is also Shui Lian, the third princess of Tianshui Kingdom, who is cunning and insidious, with ruthless methods and domineering power, but she has a weakness. Conceited and easily impatient; there is also Ye Caizhu, the leader of Cangcheng, who has no special characteristics, but he is very patriotic and is not afraid of death; there is another person, Shui Han, the seventh emperor of Tianshui Kingdom, I don’t want to mention this person.”

Hearing this, Wushang who was sitting in the corner finally had a slight emotional change, stopped holding the teacup, and glanced at Yan Hu.

Ling Yiran also took a look at Yan Hu, frowned and said, "Who is Shui Han?"

Military Master Yan Hu said: "This person is nothing to be afraid of. He is a shameless person. He is extremely stupid, timid, fearful, lustful, and bullying others. He is notorious in the imperial city of Tianshui Kingdom."

Ling Yiran curled his lips coldly, actually having the same name as Yi Shuihan, which is an insult to the name Shuihan!

Wushang was also quite unhappy, Shui Han's name could not be tarnished by such a person, if he had to force him to go to the battlefield, he would just kill this person.

Baili Wufeng glanced at Shangguan Yan: "General Shangguan, what's your opinion?"

Shangguan Yan: "Quick battle and quick decision. Half of the food and grass has been lost. This will only consume the morale of the army. As long as Cangcheng is captured, there is no fear of running out of food and grass."

Baili Wufeng's sword eyebrows stretched out, domineering in his eyes, and he curled his lips: "This king thinks so too."

Unfolding the map, several people began to discuss how to arrange troops and how to attack and defend. The conversation was full of enthusiasm, blood boiled, and ambitions were high. The period of unifying the world is not far away.

For two hours in a row, Wushang still sat in the corner, turning a deaf ear and saying nothing. After the tea cooled down, he put it on the charcoal fire and boiled it again and again. Thought he was deaf.

Finally, a compromise was negotiated, and several people showed a smile.

Baili Wufeng glanced at Wushang: "What's your opinion, fifth brother?"

Wushang put down his teacup, and said lightly, "Everyone has discussed it, and I fully agree."

Baili Wufeng was slightly displeased: "Where does the fifth brother want to stand?"

Wushang said calmly: "My little brother is incompetent, just watch the battle."

Everyone glanced at Wushang one after another, the Fifth Prince Donglin didn't come to fight at all, he could just sit around for a whole day with a pot of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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