Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 754 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 02

Chapter 754
Ling Yiran's heart tightened, he had already guessed Wushang's intention, Wushang loved Shuihan so much that he even abandoned his identity and country, how much love did he have?
He also loves, he can give his life for this love, but he can't abandon Beiming Kingdom, his identity doesn't allow it, suddenly, he hates his identity, if he is not a member of the royal family, if he is treated like Wushang The country has abandoned, so can he also love unrestrainedly?


At night, there are twice as many torches in the barracks than usual, and it seems that even the air is warmer, maybe because of a sense of security.

Three days later, the weather was beautiful, the snow stopped, and the Xiyue army arrived at the gate of the city. Nie Feng and others came to greet them on horseback.

During this trip, the main general of the Xiyue army was the crown daughter Su Ziyan, and it was heard that Su Ziyan and her younger brother Su Zisheng were the ones who suggested the alliance of the Empress of the West Moon.

I have heard for a long time that Su Ziyan, the eldest daughter of the West Moon Kingdom, has a literary and martial arts strategy. She is introverted, deep, and unpredictable. She is also a famous beauty in the imperial city of the West Moon Kingdom. It is unforgettable at a glance.

"Nie Feng welcomes Her Royal Highness the Empress of the West Moon." As the chief general, Nie Feng got off his horse and only performed a polite etiquette without bending down.

Su Ziyan was dressed in a silver-gray war robe, as eye-catching as her men, got off the horse swiftly, returned the same etiquette, and said with a smile: "I have heard about General Nie's name for a long time, and I am very honored to see you today."

Nie Feng: "The Empress of the West Moon is absurdly praised. The Empress of the West Moon has come to help, and she will thank the West Moon Kingdom on behalf of the Tianshui Kingdom."

Su Ziyan: "This statement is wrong. Our country and your country share a side of water, and our lips and teeth depend on each other. How can we allow the invasion of the North Ming Patriarchal Kingdom to the east."

Nie Feng smiled heartily: "The empress of Xiyue and the generals and soldiers of Xiyue have worked hard, please follow me."

Leading the army of Xiyue Kingdom to camp on the plain, Nie Feng hosted a banquet in honor of the generals of Xiyue Kingdom.

Shui Lian had already chatted with Su Ziyan, and Ye Caizhu had a happy chat with Xiyue's generals.

Yi Shuihan followed behind completely as a foil, glanced at the Xiyue army, but did not see the mysterious Xiyue prince Su Zisheng.

After the banquet, Yi Shuihan went back to the camp, and saw Xueying standing at the gate of the tent, as if waiting.

"Why don't you go in?" Yi Shuihan glanced at Xueying.

"Master, there are people waiting for you inside." Xue Ying said, she didn't dare to go in, because there was a great Buddha inside.

Yi Shuihan was full of suspicions, so he went into her tent without authorization and waited for her?Who has the guts?

When Yi Shuihan entered the camp, her brows loosened and tightened when she saw someone coming.

Sit in her special seat without authorization, there is a small stove next to boiling water, and the tent is filled with the fragrance of tea.

She was dressed in a luxurious red robe, but she didn't think it was gorgeous at all. Instead, she looked like a blood lotus on an iceberg, unrestrained and coquettish, and her appearance was even more handsome. She had originally a pair of deep and cold eyes, but now they softened, and there was a hint of arrogance angry, but also hidden at the moment.

Yi Shuihan frowned: "Su Zisheng?"

"I prefer you to call me Ningxun." Mo Ningxun looked at her and smiled.She was indeed more beautiful in women's clothing, and instead of weakening her arrogance and arrogance, she was deeper and more unpredictable.

"Okay, Ningxun, what's the matter?" Yi Shuihan could only sit in the second seat, because Mo Ningxun took the main seat for her.

Hearing this, Mo Ningxun's expression darkened, today he purposely wore the clothes he wore when they met for the first time, but she still said the same thing, 'what's the matter? 'She knew what was going on, and she insisted on asking just to make him retreat. Her words were always very casual, neither serious nor serious, but very hurtful.

(End of this chapter)

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