Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 759 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 07

Chapter 759
With a bang, the sound of rumbling drums swept across the scene, and the entire Cangshan Gorge immediately boiled.

"Come on!"

With an order, the forward army threw down the snow mountain like a huge net, intercepting and killing the enemy cavalry.

All of a sudden, the two armies were at war, full of murderous intent, swords met each other, the stabs were red, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the smoke of war rose everywhere.

The white snowflakes on the ground were raised, stained with red blood, like a voluptuous red snow, repeatedly charged, bloody, like a Shura killing field.

Yi Shuihan and Ying Ying quickly climbed up the snow mountain, and saw Ye Caizhu leading an army of 20 sweeping past.

"When will the enemy army arrive?" Yi Shuihan asked with a frown.

"It should be here soon, and my subordinates are still worried that General Ye is not going fast enough." As soon as Xue Ying finished speaking, she saw a black dragon flying towards the north and south sides, raising snowflakes all over the place.

The two leading the army were Shangguan Yan and Ling Yiran, chasing Ye Caizhu's army.

"Master, General Ye has gone far away, do you still want to shoot the arrow?" Huaying raised her bow and secretly glanced at Yi Shuihan.

"Nonsense!" Yi Shuihan raised his big bow, hooked an iron arrow with a rope, and tied one end of the rope to the boulder.

Ten Shadows and Snow Shadows also immediately mounted the iron arrows, and Thirteen pointed the iron arrows with hooks at the opposite snow mountain. The sharp arrows glowed coldly, ready to go.

"Fire the arrows!" Yi Shuihan gave an order, and the thirteen arrows were shot out like iron snakes.

With a few clicks, the thirteen arrows were firmly nailed to the opposite snow mountain, and the snow trembled slightly, cracking a little.

Yi Shuihan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the galloping soldiers and horses below.


13 people pulled the rope with internal force.

Cracking, cracking, the snow completely cracked, rumbling, the snow was fragmented, and the tumbling snow collapsed from the mountainside, sliding down like a huge wave, like a tsunami, and hit the 20 soldiers and horses on the mountain.

Yi Shuihan turned around and ran down the mountain quickly. Behind him came the loud sound of falling snow, the sound of hooves, the neighing of horses, and the terrified cries of the enemy soldiers. He didn't know whether it was life or death...

Shi Yingying and Xueying Huaying only took one look, the road was blocked by snow, even if Shangguanyan and Ling Yiran were free, they couldn't go to support, turned around and ran down the mountain.

Here, the enemy's cavalry was about to break through the siege, and Xiyue Tianshui's soldiers were killed and wounded countless times, limbs and arms were broken, corpses were piled high with blood, and the blood stained the entire snow field red.

The battle robes of Nie Feng, Shui Lian, and Su Ziyan were already covered with the blood of themselves or the enemy, and their eyes were red.

Baili Wufeng is one enemy against a hundred, and there is no one alive in the place he passes. He raised the knife and dropped it cleanly. It seems that what he chopped off was not a head, but the bones that helped him dominate the world.

Yi Shuihan pulled out the golden fan at his waist, put it back, picked up a sword, and flew to join the fight. The fierce cold sword cut the throat every time, and sealed the throat with a sword. The death was extremely fast, too late Struggling, too late to suffer.

Su Ziyan came to Yi Shuihan's side and said with a smile, "I thought you were a deserter."

"Let's all be deserters later, choose the right time to retreat, and retreat to Cangcheng." Yi Shuihan frowned, and cut another enemy's throat.

"Okay." Su Ziyan didn't ask too many questions, trying to open the gap between the enemy and us so that the army could retreat.

The army headed by Baili Wufeng pressed on step by step, and the brave horses stepped over the wreckage on the ground, which was bound to flatten the snow and dye the snow red.

(End of this chapter)

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