Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 771 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 19

Chapter 771
"That's all?" Baili Wufeng's face told Yan Hu that he was very dissatisfied.

"For the time being, that's all for the time being." There was a chill behind Yan Hu's back, that's all the information the spies gave him, what else could he do?
"Not even a single deed, temperament, and way of doing things?" Baili Wufeng said in a furious voice.

"Please forgive me, my lord. All the facts show that Shui Han is extremely stupid. Shui Han's temperament changed two months ago. There is no story yet. The subordinates must try their best to investigate. Please give the lord some time." Yan Hucheng Panic, feet trembling.

"Three days." Baili Wufeng gave Yan Hu a cold look.

"Yes, thank you, my lord, for your kindness." Yan Hu seemed to have walked through the gate of hell.

The low air pressure in the meeting hall did not subside for a long time, and the silence was terrible. Shangguan Yan could see heresy, so he said that we can discuss it another day.



Taking advantage of the heavy snowfall in the past few days, Yi Shuihan sent people to boil water in a large bucket, and then poured hot water within a mile outside the city gate to melt the snow on the ground into water. After cooling down, the water froze into thin ice. After a few days, a relatively thick layer of ice has formed on the ground.

Ye Caizhu doubted: "Your Highness, the ground is icy and smooth, so it is easy to slip and fall. It can indeed prevent the enemy's attack, but our army will attack sooner or later, and we also have to step on the ice."

Yi Shuihan: "After two days of pouring hot water, the ice surface will be covered by snow, and you can still step on it. If you don't check the ground carefully, you won't know that there is ice underneath. Our soldiers can wear non-slip shoes ..."

In the past few days, the soldiers of Xiyue Tianshui have high morale. This battle is related to the life and death of Xiyue Tianshui, and whether feminism can continue to gain a foothold on this continent.

"Report!" The spies yelled and rushed into the camp: "General Qi, the enemy's attack on the city has already reached five miles outside the city gate!"

The generals rose up against the crime, they have been preparing for this battle for a long time, and they are bound to inflict a heavy blow on the enemy!
"Fight quickly!" Nie Feng sternly said, walking out of the camp first.

The whole Cangcheng was terrified, and the people in the city hid in their homes one after another. If Cangcheng fell, they would all become captives.

Yi Shuihan immediately recruited Huaying and Xueying: "The mercenaries from the dark pavilion are now in use, to deal with the enemy's rear camp, this operation only uses people from Xiyue Tianshui, and there must be no one from the east to Beiming .”

Xueying said: "Master, Huaying and I can go with this matter."

Yi Shuihan: "The two of you go together, this is an order!"

Huaying Xueying had no choice but to obey, nodded firmly, and went to work immediately.

There was no snow today, and the blue sky could be seen clearly. The gates of Cangcheng were closed tightly, and the soldiers braved the cold wind, holding bows and arrows in full battle on the city.

"Report, the enemy army has arrived two miles away." The spies came on horseback and shouted loudly.

"Continue to investigate." Nie Feng said seriously with a serious face.

The spy got the order, and rode away again, and disappeared from everyone's eyes after a while.

It's already the cold winter, the cold wind howls past, and the whole Cangcheng is extremely pale and swaying.

A large number of soldiers and horses gradually appeared in front of everyone, gold and iron horses, turmoil and turmoil, and all trees and trees were soldiers.

Rows of black shields kept approaching the city gate, majestic and invincible, like an unstoppable flood beast, overwhelming the top of Mount Tai.

The three leading generals are majestic on horseback, with war robes on their bodies, and swords on their waists.

(End of this chapter)

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