Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 779 The Battle of the Kings 07

Chapter 779 The Battle of the Kings 07
"What is this?" Rong Jun frowned. This is definitely not a good medicine. To put it bluntly, Wushang might kill his father.

"You don't need to know about this level. This medicine doesn't work for ordinary people." He carefully developed it for the king of Donglin, and he had to leave a way out for himself.

"Wushang, have you thought about the consequences?"

"I am also a contributing factor to this war, so I will calm it down. Moreover, I have nothing to do with the monarch of Donglin. If you want Shuihan to continue taking risks on the battlefield, you can choose not to help." Wushang Lianruo All the words were sent.

Rong Yun's brows were tightly furrowed, he was still in shock from the battle yesterday.

To the east is the Beiming camp.

Baili Wufeng was furious, and all the rear camps were wiped out for no reason, leaving no one behind? !He wasn't so frustrated!He was the only one who never left the enemy alone!
Many generals did not show up for this discussion, and were killed or seriously injured. Only a few generals who were greedy for life and afraid of death stood obediently, not daring to breathe.

Only one person remained indifferent, drinking tea leisurely, his mood seemed to be better than usual, brewing tea extremely carefully, the fragrance of tea was overflowing.

In the end, the meeting broke up unhappy.

Wushang seemed to be in a better mood, and walked out of the tent with graceful steps.

"Wait a minute, can you do me a favor?" Ling Yiran chased up and said with a serious expression.

"Save Shangguan Yan?" Wushang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." The tone was pleading, and he had to put down his identity to ask for help.

"Why should I save him?" Wushang said calmly.

"The conditions are up to you."

"Ninth Prince of Beiming Kingdom, I'm afraid you can't do it." Wushang curled his lips strangely.

"Tell me." Ling Yiran frowned, he knew that Wushang had no desires, and probably the only thing he wanted was Yi Shuihan, what conditions could he offer.

Wushang smiled: "Okay, I'll give you two options, one, you Beiming retreat, that is, disband the alliance with Donglin, how about it?"

Ling Yiran was slightly shocked that Wushang, as a member of Donglin Kingdom, actually forced him to disband the alliance. He even felt that Wushang hated Donglin Kingdom, and he was afraid that Wushang would not even frown when Donglin destroyed the country.

If Beiming retreats, Donglin will not be able to fight. Wushang is doing this for Yi Shuihan?Ling Yiran smiled wryly, Wushang's only bond was Yi Shuihan, and his only weakness was also Yi Shuihan, so Wushang was strong enough, at least stronger than him, and he had too many burdens to do whatever he wanted.

"What's the second option?"

"This is easier. You can leave Shuihan. I mean you can't see Shuihan again, and you can't have any unreasonable thoughts about Shuihan. How about it?" Rival.

Ling Yiran turned pale in astonishment, and finally laughed out loud, leaving Yi Shuihan?He had never been close to Yi Shuihan, so how could he leave?

Wushang: "How do you think about it? Shangguan Yan has so much time to wait."

Ling Yiran: "Save people first, and I will honor one of them."

"Okay." Wushang's mood became better again, so Shangguan Yan couldn't die no matter what.


Cangcheng camp.

For the past two days, Yi Shuihan has been recuperating on the couch. She remembers that from Qingluan Peak of Beiming Kingdom to Ningcheng, to Tongcheng, to Tianshui Kingdom, and then to the battlefield, she seemed to be involved in a lot of things along the way. Fetters, these fetters can no longer be broken.

Looking up to the sky and screaming, did Yi Shuihan really fall?

(End of this chapter)

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