Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 781 The Battle of the Kings 09

Chapter 781 The Battle of the Kings 09
Today, Mo Ningxun came to 'visit' again, and brought tonic soup by the way, and then sat aside to make tea.

"The water is cold, the weather is good today, the snow has stopped, and there is still sunshine, why don't we go for a walk in the city."

Yi Shuihan lay down for a few days, his bones became soft, so he agreed, put on a fox fur and left the barracks with Mo Ningxun.


The area of ​​Cangcheng is not small. Due to its proximity to the border, the population in the city is small, and supplies are relatively scarce.

There are some very common things bought and sold on the street, and the most distinctive thing is the dazzling array of trinkets.

Not long after the two walked on the street, they noticed that there were three more tails behind them.

Yi Shuihan wanted to turn her head back, probably they sent someone to guard at the gate of the barracks to arrest her, she felt that her freedom was being lost little by little.

Mo Ningxun still had a smile on his face, he must not be angry, demeanor, he must have demeanor!
"The water is cold, it's almost noon, there is an inn ahead, why don't we go have lunch first."

"Okay." Yi Shuihan forced a little smile, Mo Ningxun definitely knew the tail behind, damn it, what kind of tricks are these people playing? !

Mo Ningxun and Yi Shuihan entered the lobby, and then asked the clerk to order, and Qian Nuo, Rong Jun, and Cheng Bi came in before they sat down.

"What a coincidence." Chengbi spoke first, her tone not very good.

Rong Yun didn't speak, just looked at her, worried, inquiring, and dissatisfied.

Qian Nuo showed no expression. He was very happy to see Shui Han, but the addition of one more person shattered the joy in half.

"Why are you here?" Yi Shuihan wanted to touch his forehead, but he couldn't do it.

"We live in this inn." Cheng Bi said indifferently, the look in his eyes told him that he was angry.

Mo Ning was very angry, this is definitely a lie!Unexpectedly, these three people have such thick skins, they are simply brazen!
Yi Shuihan saw that the atmosphere was a bit weird, and there were many people staring at them in the lobby, so he said, "Then let's have lunch together."

In the private room, the low pressure continued to drop, even lower than this cold day.

After the clerk served the food, he quickly left. These customers were extremely beautiful, but their eyes could kill people.

"Shui Han, how is your injury?" Rong Yun asked worriedly.

"Very well, it will be fine soon, let's go for a walk today."

"Shui Han, are you still going out for a walk tomorrow?" Qian Nuo asked immediately.

Now Yi Shuihan didn't know how to answer, he thought for a while before saying: "I don't know, let's see if there is any change in the barracks."

Chengbi went on to say: "The ones who didn't have any accidents came out, when will they come out?"

Yi Shuihan lamented in his heart, if someone questioned her like this before, she would definitely have kicked that person, but now instead of kicking him, she even tried to persuade him: "Well, if I come out, I will send someone to tell you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Rong Yun finally smiled.

"Everyone, let's eat." Yi Shuihan picked up the chopsticks, but he didn't know which dish to eat, and he didn't know the taste.

"Shuihan, eat fish, it's good for the wound." Qian Nuo picked out the fish bones, and put them into Yi Shuihan's bowl.

"Shuihan, drink the soup." Rong Jun poured a bowl of soup for Yi Shuihan.

"The water is cold,..."

Yi Shuihan looked at the full food in a daze, she couldn't finish it, in fact, there are still about two hours before lunch time.

No matter how good-tempered Mo Ningxun is, she couldn't hold back the smile on her face at this moment, completely as if he, the future ruler, hadn't arrived!I regretted coming out so much. If I want to take a walk, I should also take a walk in the barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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