Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 783 The Battle of the Kings 11

Chapter 783 The Battle of the Kings 11
Su Ziyan: "Master Baimian's words are reasonable. If the new emperor of Donglin Kingdom ascended the throne and Baili Wufeng went back to seize the throne, it would be called usurping the throne. The name must be wrong, and Baili Wufeng will not allow it to happen."

Ye Caizhu: "Since Beiming retreats to the east, there is no need for our army to lose its strength. It is better to ask the enemy to return the city and claim compensation, otherwise our army will send troops."

Shui Lian disapproved, and said in a cold voice: "General Ye, you mean that our army proposes a peace? The enemy killed countless soldiers in Tianshui, and they want our army to lower their stance and propose a peace? How ridiculous!"

Finally, Yi Shuihan spoke up: "Who proposes a peace is not the point, the point is whether our army can take back the city without a single soldier, and get the due compensation, and even make more demands on the enemy to make up for the damage caused by this war. The loss caused by the Tianshui Kingdom maximizes the benefits, so there is no need to show off for a while."

Shui Lian was so angry that she dared to blatantly turn against her!She always felt that the water cold was out of her control.

In the end, Nie Feng glanced at Yi Shuihan and said, "Just follow what His Royal Highness said, what's your opinion?"

Everyone was very satisfied with this decision, and no one wanted to start a war.

After everyone dispersed, the anger and sternness on Shui Lian's face were fully revealed, "Auntie, why do you agree with Shui Han?"

Nie Fengyu said earnestly: "Lian'er, you are indeed showing off your temper for a while, but you are too impatient. When the first emperor didn't make your father and concubine the empress, one was because he was afraid of the military power in my hands; two, you and Shui Luo knew each other well. You are an excellent emperor, but considering the current situation in Tianshui, Shuiluo is indeed more suitable than you to defend Tianshui Kingdom, you are too ambitious, and you are more suitable to be an emperor who expands the territory, this is a trick of the times."

Shui Lian was not reconciled when she heard it, and said coldly, "Auntie, don't you want me to take back the throne?"

Nie Feng said: "No, you are like my daughter, why would I not want you to ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Honor, but my aunt hopes that you will not be extreme, wait quietly, and sooner or later you will get what you want."

After Shui Lian calmed down for a while, she suppressed her anger and said, "Thank you for your teaching, Auntie."

Nie Feng nodded in relief, and said again: "Lian'er, Shuihan can't stay, she even hides deeper than Shuiluo."

Shui Lian's eyes showed a gloomy look, as long as he stopped giving Shui Han the antidote, within two months, when the poison developed, Shui Han would die of pain if he couldn't bear it. Thinking of this, Shui Lian felt a little more at ease.


To the east is the Beiming camp.

"...Exit from Tianshui Kingdom, return six cities, pay 5000 million taels of silver, [-] boxes each of pearl agate, glazed amber, glass coral, Chequ Wanyan, antique calligraphy and painting, silk and satin, and [-] boxes each of rice and flour Stone, cattle, sheep..."

Yan Hu read it in a cold sweat. Only Donglin's army has ever pulled a cart of loot back to Donglin with a proud attitude. It has never been sent out from Donglin, and the amount is astonishing. Every item is clearly written. clear and direct.

Baili Wufeng's face was already livid, the veins on the back of his hands were exposed, and the cruel look in his eyes made the generals of all ages tremble with fear.

Ling Yiran's complexion was not much better, he had already guessed who made such a claim, it was like a lion's mouth!

Wushang was still sitting in the corner making tea, these sums were just a figure to him, and they couldn't lift his mood.

After Yan Hu finished reading, the air pressure in the conference hall remained low, and the silence was terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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