Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 790 The Battle of the Kings 19

Chapter 790 The Battle of the Kings 19
"The antidote." Yi Shuihan asked for the antidote as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Finally came to beg me?" Shui Lian looked at Yi Shuihan contemptuously with the attitude of a winner. It is not easy to survive the pain of a poisonous attack. Most people would choose to commit suicide in pain.

"How can I give me a complete antidote?"

Shui Lian smiled triumphantly: "As long as you obediently obey my orders, I will give you the antidote."

Yi Shui coldly snorted, "After you've used me up, not only won't you give me the antidote, you won't even give me the medicine to relieve the pain."

Shui Lian looked even more complacent, she completely controlled Shui Han's life: "But, you have no choice, unless you want to die, if you submit to me and do things for me, I will not blame the old me, you are still the noble of Tianshui Kingdom Seventh Empress."

"I'm not interested in that position, and I can't work for you forever, why don't we come to an agreement."

"What agreement?" Suspicion flashed in Shui Lian's eyes, and she probed, Shui Han is a fox who hides her secrets, she must not take it lightly.

"I'll do one thing for you. After it's done, you'll give me the antidote. From then on, you will follow the path of your ambition, and I will live my leisurely life. How about that?"

"Okay." The suspicion in Shui Lian's eyes was replaced by joy. With the agreement, she would not be afraid of Shui Han's erratic.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"I haven't thought that I will notify you in the future. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you." Shui Lian curled her lips sinisterly.

After Yi Shuihan left the camp, he sneered in his heart, Shui Lian, you won't embarrass me, but it doesn't mean I won't embarrass you.

The weather wasn't that cold these days, and the marching speed was relatively fast, and they arrived at the imperial city in a few days.

The army returned in triumph, the whole country held celebrations, the ice city was full of excitement, and it was warm even in this cold day.

Her Majesty the Queen personally went to the gate of the city to welcome the army, and ordered to reward the army, set up monuments for the soldiers who died in battle, pay for their loved ones, and reduce taxes for three years in the border cities to recuperate.

The subjects of Tianshui Kingdom praised Her Majesty's benevolence one after another.


King Xiang and others had been waiting in the front hall for a long time, and sent a few people to wait outside the gate. When His Highness came back, he would go to the front hall to notify him.

Lan Zhiqiu waited anxiously, fidgeting and fidgeting. Although the battle report came that his daughter was fine, he still felt uneasy when he saw no one.

"Father, what are you in a hurry for? You've been waiting for two months, not a few hours away." Qianxue said with a smile.

"That's right." Lan Zhiqiu smiled.

At this time, the servant outside the door shouted excitedly: "Prince Xiang, Your Highness is back."

The lineup outside the gate was strong, with a strong aura, led by Yi Shuihan, Qian Nuo, Rong Yun, Cheng Bi, Mo Ningxun, Wushang, Hua Ying Xue Ying, and Twelve Shadows.

Yi Shuihan was a little nervous, she hadn't seen her father for a long time, what kind of surprise should she give him?

Seeing her daughter, Lan Zhiqiu finally showed a joyful smile, hurried over and took Yi Shuihan's hand to see if she was okay.

"Father." Yi Shuihan also grabbed his hand, he seemed to have lost weight.

"Han'er..." Lan Zhiqiu almost cried again.

"Father, don't cry, I will be sad when you cry." Yi Shuihan hurriedly coaxed.

Everyone stood silently at the side, not disturbing Shui Han's reunion with her father.

Qianxue was a little dumbfounded, a lot of people, two more people, Mo Ningxun and Wushang?How are they here?

Wushang looked at Lan Zhiqiu, Shui Han's father, thought for a while, and had another idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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