Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 792 Red Wedding 01

Chapter 792 Red Wedding 01
"...You must have been young and ignorant back then." Yi Shuihan replied vaguely.

"That means I fell in love with it. Alas, it's God's will. After time and space, you still met." Qianxue felt a little emotional. Sometimes it's like this. The more unexpected, the more likely it will happen. Some things are really destined.

"When did you become so sad?" Yi Shuihan said, Qianxue has really grown up, and also learned to mourn the spring and the autumn.

"It's you who should be sad, do you know that you have caused a lot of peach blossom debts?" Qianxue was a little angry, how can Yi Shuihan be so affectionate, if it is really affectionate, it's okay, but unfortunately, the most affectionate people are often the most ruthless .

Yi Shuihan rubbed her forehead, but she couldn't help it, how could she think that the men here are so innocent.

"There is another question, was Wushang so treacherous before?" Qianxue suddenly remembered, this Wushang is really very insidious, a big man, so insidious, is this justified?

"Maybe I didn't see him clearly before." Yi Shuihan smiled, and she also noticed that Zhongli Shuiyou had changed, a little treacherous.

"Then what was he like before?" Qianxue raised her eyebrows, she knew herself and her enemy and could win a hundred battles, Qian Nuo was very upright, she couldn't fight against Wushang.

"Young master who is delicate and weak, the kind who will choke to death when drinking water."

"No way, you actually like such a person, your taste..." Qianxue couldn't continue, she was a sick child, no wonder Wushang was a doctor in this life.

Yi Shuihan glanced at Qianxue, what kind of eyes did Qianxue have? At that time, Zhongli Shuiyou was only 15 years old.

"Okay, okay, I don't despise you. Today is the first day you come back, so go and talk to Qian Nuo first." Qian Xue was thinking of Xiaojiu in her heart, and this was the purpose of her coming to Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan blinked, did she really fall?

That afternoon, an imperial decree came down that the Seventh Empress and Prince Xiyue would get married on a certain date. This news made Mo Ningxun a thorn in the side of some people in Xiangwang's residence.

When Chengbi found out, she was so angry that she almost raised her sword to chop Yi Shuihan. It's fine if this dead woman doesn't give him a wedding, but she actually wants to hold a wedding with Mo Ningxun? !

When it was time for dinner, the scene was sensational, a circle of beautiful men sat around, and the atmosphere was really weird, only Xiang Wang couldn't feel it.

Qianxue was a little dazed, she and Yi Shuihan were the only two women here, she quickly ate a few mouthfuls of food and then left her seat, with such a strong aura, no matter how delicious the food was, she would still suffer from indigestion.

"Why does Xue'er eat so little?" Lan Zhiqiu asked with concern.

"I'm full, I still have some things to do, foster father, eat slowly." Qian Xue waved her hand, and slipped away like a puff of smoke.

Lan Zhiqiu asked everyone to eat more, and while talking with his daughter, he picked up food from each other, so he ate this meal very happily.

Yi Shuihan was also quite happy, so he was also happy with everyone.

In the end, the meal was a pleasant one.


At night, Yi Shuihan went to talk to Qian Nuo.

"What are you looking at me for?" Yi Shuihan was depressed, he had been looking at her for a long time, wouldn't his vision cause fatigue?

"Shui Han, I haven't had the chance to take a good look at you since you left for the expedition." Qian Nuo said seriously.

These words were a bit sensational, Yi Shuihan didn't know how to answer for a while, she came to tell Qian Nuo something: "Qian Nuo, I want to marry Mo Ningxun."

"I know, you don't need to explain to me, as long as you don't leave me, you don't need to explain, Shui Han, don't leave me." Qian Nuo's heart tightened, and he was still afraid. He knew that Shui Han told him not to explain, but It is to let him leave at any time, to drop him indirectly.

(End of this chapter)

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