Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 802 Red Wedding 13

Chapter 802 Red Wedding 13
"Wizard, wizard, what should I do? You have strange magic, use it quickly!" Shui Lian panicked and shouted at Hengyen.

Hengyen smiled coldly, as if he had no intention of helping, he made a bloody path and went straight to the door.

"Hengyin, you betrayed me, come back! Come back..." Shui Lian lost control of her spirit, and muttered to herself at times madly.

As soon as Hengyen reached the door, four people in strange clothes appeared and surrounded Hengyin.

All four of them held a strange wooden stick in their hands: "Hengyin, you traitor is still alive."

Hengyen was shocked, and a piercing voice sounded: "The position of suzerain belongs to me, and you are the traitors."

"Stop talking nonsense, you can either kill yourself or let us deal with you." One of them pointed at Hunyen with a wooden stick.

Hengyen muttered something, and the wooden stick in his hand vibrated.

"Let's do it." The wooden sticks in the hands of the four quickly rushed towards Hengyin, four against one, and started a fight of martial arts and strange arts offensive.

After a while, Hengyen was defeated, and one of them knocked down Hengyin's bamboo hat, and Hengyin's face was fully exposed. Not a single inch of the entire face was smooth, and it was covered with deep burn scars, extending all the way to the neck.

Hunyen panicked, and immediately covered his face with his wide sleeves. This face was his nightmare, and he dared not even look in the mirror.

Taking advantage of this, the four of them muttered something, and the four wooden sticks hit Hunyen, and the wooden stick in Hunyen's hand suddenly caught fire.

"No!" Hengyin yelled, and fell to the ground, watching the stick in his hand burn with unwilling eyes, and the strange flame burned the stick into ashes at a very high speed.

Seeing this, the four people looked at each other. When the stick is there, the person is there; when the stick is dead, the person is dead.

"Take, take my dead body back to Mobei..." Hengyen begged, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood before he lost his breath.

The four nodded, lifted Hengyen's body, and floated away.

"Master, the subordinates are late." Huaying and Xueying came to Yi Shuihan's side.

"It's not too late."

Yi Shuihan's tense nerves finally relaxed, and suddenly he hugged Lan Zhiqiu into his arms: "Father."

Lan Zhiqiu smiled, and gently stroked Yi Shuihan's back: "Don't be afraid, Han'er, it's fine."

After a while, all of Shui Lian's people were intercepted and killed, the minister who had just turned traitor was killed or captured, and the cavalry surrounded Shui Lian and Nie Feng.

Ye Caizhu came to Shui Luo and saluted respectfully: "See Your Majesty, the future is late, please forgive me."

"It's not too late. Fortunately, General Ye arrived in time." Shui Luo had already recovered her usual calm expression.

Shui Lian was already in a state of madness, and kept talking to herself: "No, no, it's impossible, I am the queen of Tianshui Kingdom, and I want to rule the world..."

Nie Feng was still in shock, lost?The century-old honor of the Nie family was ruined by her?Hundreds of lives died because of her?

"Third Sister, General Nie, are you two convicted?" Shui Luo looked at the two and asked sternly.

Nie Feng's eyes were full of sorrow, and he knelt down suddenly: "I know the crime, I beg your Majesty to let go of the people in my family. They don't know about it. I am willing to apologize with death. In the next life, I will be loyal and repay Your Majesty."

After finishing speaking, Nie Feng lifted the sword that had been with her for many years and killed himself, splashing blood, and fell to the ground with his eyes closed, dead.

Seeing this, Shui Lian's spirit collapsed instantly, and she kept shaking Nie Feng's body: "Auntie, Auntie, what are you doing? You still want to help me seize the throne and conquer the world. Get up, get up..."

(End of this chapter)

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