Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 824 Revisiting Ningcheng 18

Chapter 824 Revisiting Ningcheng 18
"Oh." Yi Shuihan nodded, and then asked suspiciously, "Is there such a person in Donglin Country?"

Wushang smiled, but didn't answer.

Baili Wuyun was so angry, Baili Wushang actually despised him?Being detained by the Tianshui Kingdom and becoming a woman's accessory, how dare you be arrogant with such a big shame? !
"Fifth Brother, I never thought I would have the chance to see you again." There was a bit of sarcasm in Baili Wuyun's eyes.

"I don't want to have the chance to see you." Wushang pretended to be helpless, and his eyes were almost ignored.

"You!" Baili Wuyun's eyes were ruthless, and then he said proudly: "Fifth Brother, do you miss Donglin Kingdom?"

The implication is that he has a way to help you get rid of Tianshui Kingdom and let you return to Donglin Kingdom.

"I don't miss you, tell Baili Wufeng not to miss me, I will never have the chance to go to Donglin Kingdom in my life." Wushang didn't even use the honorific title, just said his name, if Baili Wufeng knew that he intended to go to Tianshui Kingdom, He must be very angry, the hero of Baili Wufeng generation was not plotted by him, that's all.

"You don't want to go to Donglin Kingdom?!" Baili Wuyun's voice was heavy, still a little unbelievable. The third brother confessed that if he saw Baili Wushang in Beiming Kingdom, he would try to take him back. If he doesn't cooperate, how can he take it away.

"Does it look like I really want to go to Donglin Kingdom?" Wushang asked sarcastically.

Baili Wuyun's face was livid, and he looked at Wushang coldly. Instead of showing any downcast look, Baili Wushang became arrogant, and the aura around him was even better than before. Why is this happening?

"Baili Wushang, you will be imprisoned in Tianshui Kingdom for the rest of your life, and you will never recover!" Baili Wuyun was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, even His Highness the Seventh Queen next to him didn't hesitate.

"Accept your noble words, but, Bailiwuyun, you are just a pawn in Bailiwufeng." Wushang sneered.

"You don't have to sow dissension!" Baili Wuyun said coldly, he and the third brother are biological brothers.

"Don't believe me? Forget it. I don't care whether you live or die. Please leave and don't interfere with my wife's sight." Wushang said endlessly.

Yi Shuihan almost choked on the wine, Shuiyou is really sinister, what Shuiyou said, Baili Wuyun more or less creates a barrier to Baili Wufeng, and this Baili Wuyun is a vacillating person, as long as A single fuse can turn the two brothers against each other.

"Baili Wushang, you will regret it!" Baili Wuyun was so angry that he threw down his harsh words and waved his sleeves away.

Wushang smiled at Yi Shuihan: "Shuihan, I won't regret it."

Yi Shuihan ignored it.

After drinking for three rounds, the emperor invited the envoys from various countries to stay for a few more days. Two days later, there was an open-air feast, and the envoys from all countries were invited to attend.

The banquet was over, and everyone dispersed one after another.


After returning to the post house, Mo Ningxun talked about the palace banquet, and Chengbi and the others immediately asked Wushang what was in the gift box.

Wushang refused to say anything, because these people were too soft-hearted, and there was no need to be soft-hearted towards the enemy.

"Don't say it? Then I have to use my fist to solve it." Mo Ningxun folded her hands and said with a wicked smile.

"It's been a long time since I did anything." Cheng Bi said lazily.

"Wushang, I won't help you this time either." Rong Yun said.

Qian Nuo didn't speak, but he didn't mind beating Wushang.

"Hmph, you don't believe me?!" Wushang slapped the table angrily.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, don't waste your time." Cheng Bi was a little impatient, and signaled Qian Nuo and others to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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