Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 846 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 846 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 20
The next day, the room was in a mess, and Lin Daiyu disappeared, leaving only a letter: Cousin, I love you, forgive me for keeping you in this way, I don’t want to die, so I can only escape, my stomach May already have your child, wait for me to come back.

Shangguanyan was furious.

The old lady of Shangguan was shocked and angry, if she couldn't hand over to someone, would it implicate the general's mansion?

Just when the General's Mansion mobilized people to look for Lin Daiyu, the envoy of Xiyue Kingdom came to report: Lin Daiyu wanted to escape, but unexpectedly, she happened to be met by the people of Her Highness the Empress Dowager.

What a coincidence, he was waiting at the general's mansion early in the morning, fearing that Lin Daiyu would escape.


post house.

In the courtyard, the three divisions will interrogate.On the table, fine wine, good fruit, fragrant tea and snacks are all available.

"You asked me to come to see your perverted punishment." Yi Shui sat lazily, took a glass of fine wine to taste, really bored.

"By the way, when are you leaving?" Su Ziyan said.

Yi Shuihan looked at Lin Daiyu on the ground, he was really a poor child, he was so frightened before execution.

Lin Daiyu, who was bound, looked at Su Ziyan and Yi Shuihan in horror. She was arrested just after sneaking out of the general's mansion. She didn't want to die...

"What did she scold us that day?" Su Ziyan asked.

"She thought that we were just like her, and had assumptions about Shangguan Yan." Yi Shuihan was quite helpless.

"Heh, Shangguan Yan is not ugly, but he is too strong. In addition to practicing martial arts all year round, his body shape is not beautiful, and his skin is not smooth. It must not feel good to the touch." Su Ziyan said without embarrassment.

"Pfft, cough cough, cough cough." Yi Shuihan spit out all the fine wine from his mouth, burst into laughter, if Shangguan Yan heard this, his poker face, which has not changed for thousands of years, would crack.

"Is it funny? I don't know why you like such a man." Su Ziyan glanced at Yi Shuihan contemptuously. The men around Yi Shuihan all have such physiques. I don't know how Yi Shuihan can bear it. .

"Pfft, cough cough, please, can you stop being so funny, what I like is not only their appearance, but also their insides, do you understand? The insides are accumulated over time and will only become more and more beautiful." If someone violated the standard of a handsome man in her mind, she would of course retort.

"That's enough, that's enough, you can live your life drunk and dreaming in the gentle village." After speaking, Su Ziyan waved his hand, signaling the servants to bring the 'torture instruments' up.

"Hehe, how do you think His Highness will punish you?" Su Ziyan evoked an evil smile.

"Prince, princess, please let me go, I really know my mistake, I am a slut, I am a slut, I am not a human being, please forgive me." Lin Daiyu knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

After a while, the 'instruments of torture' were brought up, not many, just five pieces, but each one was top quality.

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, Su Ziyan was quite talented.

When Su Ziyan saw the 'instrument of torture', she immediately turned her face away, spit out all the wine in her mouth, it was really ugly, her stomach rolled and she felt sick.

"You, what are you going to do?" Lin Daiyu's face was pale, her lips trembled, and she looked at the five people in front of her in horror.

Four men and one woman, with different appearances, full of intestines and full of brains, hideous features; thieves' head, blue face and fangs; dove-shaped swan face, deer-headed eyes; There is a large black mole.

The five of them showed obscene smiles one after another. People who lose their rationality are beasts, and these people are beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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