Chapter 853
"You, you, are you..." Who?Zhou Shidu was so shocked that even his voice and expression were exactly the same, how could it be possible?It was obviously the princess of Tianshui Kingdom at the palace banquet, princess?princess?Oops!He forgot to salute...

"I've met the Ninth Prince, I've seen, I've seen Princess Tianshui."

"I have seen the Ninth Prince, I have seen the Queen of Tianshui." The rest of the people said mechanically, their eyes almost jumped out.

"Excuse me." Ling Yiran said impatiently, and left with Yi Shuihan after speaking.

The few people left behind were flustered in the wind, their expressions seemed to have experienced a violent storm, is Yi Shidu the Queen of Tianshui?Empress Tianshui is Yi Shidu?
In the past, they collectively targeted Yi Shuihan, ridiculed him, spoke ill, and tried everything to deal with Yi Shuihan. They even almost fought, although they didn't succeed once.

"It's over! Yiyi Yi Shuihan is the Queen of Tianshui, what should I do?" Zhou Shidu stuttered, and He Shidu's father was a minister, so maybe he could still be saved.

"How do I know?! You can't speak clearly, you stutter!" He Shidu didn't forget the sarcasm of Shidu just next week. He still has his father backing him. Even if he suffers, he will be better than Zhou Shidu. With Zhou Shidu at the bottom of his body, calm, calm.


Yonghe Palace, this palace is already a little dilapidated, and the items have traces of time, a little old, but it is cleaned spotlessly.

"Here is it?" Yi Shuihan looked it over, if it wasn't too neat, she would have thought it was the legendary Leng Gong.

"My mother's former residence." He has not been here for many years, and he has never brought anyone here.

Yi Shuihan was a little surprised, she didn't know what to say at such a solemn moment.

Passing through the moss-covered flagstone path, I came to a small garden. There are no people, no gorgeous exotic flowers and plants, only some tenacious wild flowers and weeds, a few ordinary trees, and the sound of birds. .

"Come here." Ling Yiran took her hand and pulled her away, seeing that she didn't shake off, he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Walking under a towering tree, Ling Yiran pulled her to squat down, found a branch and dug up at the top of the tree.

"Did you bury something here?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"I let you guess, I want to give you a surprise." Ling Yiran dug out a copper box.

The idiot had guessed it, and Yi Shuihan didn't want to hit him, so he didn't say it.

There are several items in the box, some ordinary, some expensive, but they represent extraordinary significance, a small rattle drum, a few pieces of yellowed paper, a pair of earrings, two hairpins, and pearl flowers.

"For you." Ling Yiran handed her a hairpin. Originally, he wanted to give earrings, but she didn't have pierced ears, so she probably wouldn't wear them either.

"Your mother's stuff?" Yi Shuihan didn't take it, she didn't dare to take such a meaningful thing, and these things only have meaning in Ling Yiran's hands.

"Yes, now my mother is your mother, take it!" Ling Yiran said domineeringly, and stuffed it into her hand without any explanation.

"Okay, thank you." Yi Shuihan put away the hairpin.

"I gave you something, shouldn't you return the gift?" Ling Yiran looked at her, begging for something.

"What do you want? I haven't prepared anything, how about I send you a sweet kiss." Yi Shuihan joked.

Ling Yiran was stunned for a moment, looking at her bright red lips, in fact, he had been imagining it for a long time, just like that time in Tongcheng, thinking about it, he could not help leaning his head towards her.

Yi Shuihan blinked, she was joking, since he took it seriously, she didn't mind accepting it, the rabbit is a lecherous rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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