Chapter 856
Mo Ningxun dug a small hole under the pine tree, took off the jade pendant around her waist, buried it with the beads, and made a mark on the trunk.

After the work was done, Mo Ningxun felt a little better and went back with her.

After returning to the original place, the guards had gathered firewood to build the stove, but Qian Nuo and the others were nowhere to be seen. After asking, they found out how many people had gone hunting.

First, Ling Yiran came back. Seeing Yi Shuihan came back, he handed over the prey to the guards.

Then Wushang and the others also came back, carrying prey of various sizes to the guards.

Ling Yiran originally wanted to go over and talk to Yi Shuihan, but when he saw the prey brought back by Wushang and the others, he was very angry, but he didn't show his face, and followed the guards to the river.

After a while, Ling Yiran came back in a good mood. Suddenly, he smelled the smell of barbecue. He obviously followed the guards to kill the prey, but he hadn't finished killing it yet. How could there be barbecue?

Walking over to take a look, he saw Yi Shuihan roasting a prey.

"Rabbit, do you want to eat?" Yi Shuihan asked him, turned over the golden rabbit, and saw its eyes that were dying.

"Yi Shuihan!!! Where did you get the rabbit?!" Ling Yiran gritted his teeth, wanting to strangle her to death.

"I caught it on the road just now, what's the problem?" Yi Shuihan asked pretending to be puzzled, laughing in his heart, last year she ate a rabbit at the hunting ground, Ling Yiran was so angry that his face turned green.

"When did you kill him?!" Ling Yiran turned green with anger.

"Just now, where did you go just now?" Yi Shuihan continued to roast the rabbit, presumably the one in her hand was the only one, so it couldn't be burnt.

"Don't kill rabbits in the future!!!" Ling Yiran approached her, lowered his voice and gritted his teeth. If Baili Wushang and the others knew that he was forbidden to kill rabbits, then these people would definitely kill rabbits on purpose. The rabbits will all suffer.

"If you don't kill him, then I'll eat the head office of the rabbit." Yi Shuihan said ambiguously with a teasing face.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Ling Yiran also said ambiguously.

"There's no need to wait, it's now." Yi Shuihan tore off a rabbit leg, took a bite, and it was a little hot.

Ling Yiran glared at her viciously, he was tricked again!

"It tastes so good, do you want it?" Yi Shuihan asked kindly.

"No!" Ling Yiran snorted coldly, and then walked away.

Are you angry?She couldn't make a joke at all, she always knew that the rabbit had a bad temper.

The guards brought back the killed prey, all of which were pheasants, birds, fish, mushrooms, but no rabbits.

Wushang asked the guard, who said that the guard guarding the rabbits accidentally untied them, and all the rabbits escaped.

After a break, the journey started again.

In a few days, I arrived at Changyi Garden in Tongcheng, went around and came back here again.


In the middle of the night, all the lights in Changyi Garden have been extinguished, and she has fallen asleep.

Yi Shuihan had already fallen asleep, and suddenly heard the sound of fighting and murderous intent, although it was very faint, she still felt it.

Immediately dressed and left the room, if Ling Yiran and others fight, there should be no murderous intent, and they will not fight in Changyi Garden.

When Yi Shuihan came to the scene, he saw a black figure disappearing into the night, leaving only Qiannuo and Wushang.

"What happened?"

"Shuihan, why don't you go to bed so late?" Wushang didn't answer Yi Shuihan's question, as if nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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