Chapter 858
Nanlin Villa is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. The villa is built magnificently, yet casual and elegant.

Nanlin, Bu Rong and Yu Nanlin.

When Yi Shuihan saw this majestic stone plaque, he couldn't help feeling nervous. Last time she came to pick him up as Qianxue's friend, what identity is she here this time?

And the last time she had a falling out with the Rong family, and now she has kidnapped their son, will the Rong family chase her down?
"Shui Han, don't be nervous." Rong Yun smiled, in fact he was also very nervous, wondering if his parents would embarrass Shui Han, and he didn't return home for several months, it was really unfilial, and he would go back to Tianshui Kingdom after that, Even more unfilial, the eldest brother is not at home all year round, the second brother and the fourth younger sister are very playful, he is really worried.

Seeing two people outside the door, I wiped my eyes in disbelief. It was the third young master and a beautiful woman. They were holding hands. Why did the woman look more and more familiar?
"Three, third son." The guard was still in shock, and another guard rushed in to report.

After passing the steps, the floor is paved with blue bricks, stone pillars support the sky, double eaves and bucket arches, carved beams and painted buildings, all of which look like a big family.

But Yi Shuihan only felt oppressed for a while, and she was not so nervous when she was asked to go to the battlefield.

Rong Yun is still dressed in crescent white, with a bright moon and clear wind. To ordinary people, he is usually polite, cold and aloof, polite and distant, even to the servants at home, he just nods slightly.

Yi Shuihan realized that Rong Yun's demeanor was actually a bit like her father's, with the same politeness and elegance, with a light expression, a nod and a slight smile, very polite.

I don't know if it's because the guards at Nanlin Villa reported too quickly, or because the people here are too gossip, before Rong Yun and Yi Shuihan entered the front hall, many servants, guards, maids and mothers all came out and warmly greeted Rong Ye greeted, but his eyes were on Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan tried his best to maintain a smile, and tried his best to behave like a famous lady. She was originally a master at disguising, but at this moment she couldn't pretend.

Rong Jun nodded and smiled at everyone faintly, and he saluted everyone who came to greet him.

"Third Young Master, are you back? The owner and his wife are in the front hall."

"Well, I'll go right away." Rong Yun nodded.

In the front hall, there was a strong lineup, including the whole family of the Rong family.

Looking at the lineup in the front hall, Yi Shuihan took a deep breath, lifted a corner of her skirt in a ladylike manner, stepped gracefully up the steps, stepped across the threshold calmly, and came to the front hall with Rong Jun.

The owner of the villa is sitting in the main seat, still calm and breezy, as indifferent as a chrysanthemum, as elegant as a chrysanthemum, as calm as Mount Tai, as restrained as a deep pool.

The wife of the owner of the villa is still elegant, heroic without losing her charm, her appearance is quiet and her body is leisurely, she looks at Yi Shuihan, and she seems to be in deep thought.

Rong Yu and Rong Rong stood aside, looking at Yi Shuihan in shock, this is their younger brother and sister (sister-in-law), if seeing is believing, they really wouldn't believe it.

On the other side stood a magnificent figure, he was quiet and indifferent, with an unconcealed awe-inspiring aloofness, inviolable, supernatural, quiet as water, unassuming, but people could not ignore it, that His unique temperament even overwhelmed his appearance, making people ignore his appearance.

Yi Shuihan glanced at the crowd casually, no doubt, what shocked her the most was the stranger standing aside, she finally knew who influenced Rong Yun's temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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